I’m going to look like a conspiracy theorist, but this is just weird. A bunch of Washington scientists built robo-cockroaches and sent them out to see if they could infiltrate and influence real ones. They had to spray them with pheromones to fool the little crawling critters, but they did it. They say it’s to …
Category Archives: news
No Really, the Mice Were Part Of The Presentation.
Gees, with the amount of money people pay to have desserts at this eatery, you’d think the eatery could afford to call an exterminator. Nope, so it’s shut down. No one will be buying $25000-sundaes anymore. Jesus! $25000? Why? You’re going to eat it! I know it has eddible gold and the finest cocoa, but…you’re …
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That Would Suck Ass!
*shiver* I’ll never think of pool drains the same way. Some of them have the power to suck your intestines through your ass? Ugugugug!
Woe! Egg Nog Contains Eggs!
What do you think you are going to find in a jug of egg nog? Since it is *egg* nog, I would think a reasonable person would deduce that it contains eggs. Am I wrong? Apparently, I am, and the poor folks at Smiling Hill Farm have to hand-stick labels on all the caps on …
Anything To Declare? Yeah, A Dead Man, Thanks To You!
I hope I never need some kind of emergency ambulance transport across the border. If I do, I hope the ambulance carrying me doesn’t get stopped by Customs Officers, like happened to poor Rick Laporte. The man had a heart attack, needed emergency angioplasty, and the closest place to go was Detroit. His heart stopped …
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Poncho the Gator Went Chomp Chomp Chomp
Ok, this story starts off pretty mundane. Dude is running from cops, dude decides he should dive into a pond to get away, pond is full of aligators, and…so long, he’s movin’ on, his face no more you’ll see. But this is where it gets weird. Apparently, it’s a Florida state law that if a …
I’ve Got A Bike, You Can Ride It If You Like
Robert Stewart, the man who earned himself a spot in his local sex offender registry after being caught engaging in a little…uh…um…pedalphilia,has been sentenced to3 years probation. Sheriff Colin Miller said: “In almost four decades in the law I thought I had come across every perversion known to mankind, but this is a new one …
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Someone Needs To Tell Her About The Boy Who Cried Wolf
I hope the woman in this story never gets raped for real, because if she does, no one will believe her. Gemma Gregory has falsely accused 7 men of rape 8 times, and the police have gotten to the point that they tell the guy being questioned that they think it’s “a load of rubbish.” …
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Ho Ho Holy Politically Correct Absurdity.
Gimme a break. That is all I can muster.
This Might Sting A Little, And Then Hurt A Lot
Ok, this story makes my head spin in about 3 zillion different directions, so fast that if I don’t try and write something down, something’s gonna blow. There is an unnamed anesthesiologist in Nassau County who used the same needle and syringe for five years! Is that making your head spin? Get ready for it …
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