Have You Hugged Your Boss Today?

Man this story killed me. I guess somebody in Taiwan read some psychology books and gathered that military personnel were more likely to be more comfortable if there was an atmosphere of love and camaraderie. So, they decided to manufacture one by ordering the new recruits to hug their squad leaders on a regular basis. …

Which Is Worse? Plane Crashes Or Confidence Crashes?

Ok, let me get this straight. NASA is commissioned to do a survey about air-travel safety. They survey 24000 pilots over 4 years. they find out that incidents of near collisions and runway interference is much higher than government statistics, so…they decide to withhold the results and purge them? Apparently, they just don’t want us …

Don’t Mess With These People

Tajuan Bullock should consider himself a very lucky man. He doesn’t, but he should. Why? He robbed a house, and when the owners caught him at it, they made him clean up his mess at gunpoint. They didn’t shoot him. they just made him clean it up…and wait for the cops, of course. When the …

What A Load Of Horse Shit!

Here’s one to twist your brain a little. Patty Cooper needs a service animal. She’s broken her back twice, um, ouch, and is now in a wheelchair. But the animal she has chosen is a horse! Ok, I can handle that, sort of. It’s a miniature horse, and I’ve heard of guide horses for the …

Big Brother Is Watching You Eat Lunch

Note to head teachers at schools in England: If China thinks that fingerprinting kids so they can get their lunches is unnecessary, maybe you should too. What’s with the need to use fingerprints to give kids their meals? They say it will help process the kids and not stigmatize them, but they never explain how …

Nice Going, Ontario!

I figured the voter turnout for last week’s election would be low, but52.7%?!?!?That’s pathetic! All of you who didn’t vote can consider yourselves lucky that those of us who did gave you a government much better than the one you deserve. Hopefully the day never comes when we don’t or can’t. Maybe then you’d feel …