There were Thieves, Thieves, Stealing Dying Men’s Cheese, At The Corner Grocery Store.

The UK sucks, but you know where else sucks? Mesa, Arizona! Why? Because if you get smoked by a moron who doesn’t know how to drive because he toasts you at a bus stop, and you happen to have bought groceries, as you expire, and someone is trying to help you, the locals will steal …

Calling Officer Bigballs

Here’s another one for the British police are screwed up files. It all started when Daniel Horne was out with some friends, and got a flat tire. He got out of the car, and started walking down the road looking for help. Someone thought he stole the car, so called the police, and they came …

Ths Ttl Hs N Vwls. S T Cl?

No, a cat didn’t just run across my keyboard. I did that on purpose. Can you even read that? It was supposed to be This title has no vowels. Is it cool? The Miami Downtown Development Authority, (DDA), who should be renamed DUH, decided that the new slogan for their downtown should have the o’s …

Yo Mamma’s So Stupid, She Could Be A School Administrator!

Oh god. This has to go in the that’s so gay files. Some kids made the usual “yo mamma” jokes, and someone actually took them seriously, thought the kid actually slept with the other kid’s mom, and called in the authorities to investigate whether or not a child was having sex with an adult. I …