Teach Your Children Well, Or Better Yet, Let Them Teach Themselves

Man, England is going to hell. They have CCTV’s everywhere, nobody going to jail for things they should go to jail for, and now, a bunch of people responsible for education think that kids should set their own tests and grade themselves. Hmmm, I can’t see any problem with that, can you? I guess, if …

Maybe It’s Part Of The Plan To Kill Off A Few Extra Children

You know, we really shouldn’t be too surprised when China uses high amounts of lead in the toys they make. I mean, this should already be a no-brainer. But it becomes especially unsurprising when they are too cheap to build a bridge over a raging river so some of their kids can get to school, …

Would This Be Ouch, Or Would It Be Fuck Fuckity Fuck Fuck Ouch!?

Don’t ask me how things like this happen, because I don’t know. but what I do know is that it would have sucked a big juicy hard one to be Venezuelan car accident victim Carlos Camejo who, after being declared dead, surprised medical examiners by waking up during his autopsy, or as the article so …

You were attacked bya what?

This is just weird. Nancy Campbell and her eight-year-old daughter were walking around in their Oregon neighbourhood when they were attacked by a…Llama? Yep, it was a llama. What’s even weirder is it didn’t escape from a petting zoo. It was someone’s private pet! Wanna know something even weirder? It was diagnosed with the strangest …

What is Wrong With This Judge?

This is another one of those cases where I have no words. Mitchell Pask was convicted by a jury of felony child-enticement because he tried to lure a nine-year-old child to a park shelter for sex, but then the judge dismissed the case, saying the shelter wasn’t secluded enough! Yup. You heard me right. The …

Warning! This Blog Contains Words!

Wow. I had to shake my head after reading this article. Police in Hertfordshire, who are obviously not Scotland Yard material, decided that a fine way to decrease crime in their area would be to post signs everywhere telling people not to commit crime. They also posted signs at gas stations saying that all fuel …

It’s a Dangerous School, But Not In The Way You’d Think

Wow. You know your school sucks when this shit starts happening. Apparently, Jamaica High School has such a bad record, being called a dangerous school, that staff were sent a memmo instructing them not to call 911. It stated that only the principal or assistant principal were allowed to do this. Fifteen days later, fourteen-year-old …

Add New Hardware Now!

This audio-playing vibrator is way too fancy. Let’s count all the accessories. full-function silicone vibrator with interchangeable shafts interchangeable? Ok then. 64 megabytes of Ram with built-in USB port ram? I don’t wanna talk about ram with vibrators. And ports? Oh dear. built-in microphone for voice and sound recording What in the blue christ are …