Let’s Go Down The Robbery Checklist

Hold-up note? Check.Hood? Check.Glasses? Check.Gloves so I won’t leave prints? Check.Bag for the money?Uh-oh! NEW HUDSON, Mich. (AP) – A bank teller apparently flustered a would-be bank robber – and foiled a robbery – after asking where the suspect’s bag was to carry off the money, authorities said. Oakland County Sheriff’s Detective Tom Bisio said …

No! I! Don’t! Speak! Spanish!

The images this story gives me make me laugh. Imagine a man going to Home Depot and standing at one of those self-checkout scanner thingies. The items he’s buying? A pry bar and a hacksaw. He’s waiting in line. When he finally gets to the scanner, he accidentally hits the button for Spanish on the …

Is Brushing Really that Hard Or Are We Just Trying To Keep Some Inventors Busy?

Oral B will soon begin selling a computerized toothbrush that will tell you whether or not you’re doing a good job of brushing your teeth. The brush, called Triumph with SmartGuide, sends radio signals to a display screen that you can mount on your bathroom mirror. the screen then displays instructions on where you should …

Felony Naming

The government of Venezuela isworking on legislationthat would ban parents from giving their children any names that would “expose them to ridicule, are extravagant or difficult to pronounce”. The move would mean that there would be no more Supermans or4realsrunning around. I’m not sure how to feel about this. On one hand I’m glad that …

Messed Up in Mexico

I’m trying to follow this path to see how far I can go before getting mad. Dominic and Nancy Ianiero died horribly in Mexico. Yup, I’m totally there. The hotel staff cleaned up the crime scene and police bungled the investigation. I’m still there. Many family members were implicated as suspects, which was horrible. Totally …