Left-Brain? Right-Brain? Ah It Doesn’t Matter, I Get By With No Brain

Here’s a helpful tip for ya. If you need neurosurgery, don’t go to Rhode Island to get it done. They have one of the highest occurrences of doctors opening the wrong side of a patient’s head. The latest cocky brain surgeon thought he’d rely on his memory instead of a CT scan, opened the wrong …

My Criminal Mind Is All I…Need to Get Locked Up Forever.

I really don’t know how to feel about this story. I’m completely conflicted. Michael Monyelle, 30, is being labeled as a sex predator, which means indefinite commitment. This is not for things he did, but for thoughts he has. I get that they were deviant thoughts, and it was to do with children, so in …

It’s My Service Chihuahua! Really!

Ok, this pisses me off. In the states, the ADA has made it really easy for douchebags to bring their precious little pet fido wherever they please, and more and more douchebags are doing just that. Why has it made it easy? The law states that a merchant cannot under any circumstances ask what tasks …


Every time I think about this story, I shiver, and I don’t even have balls. Here’s the short version. If you’re going to Oklahoma, don’t wander into a bar wearing a Texas University shirt, or, or…! Shivers again! You might leave in a lot of pain. At least that’s what happened to Brian Thomas. After …

Look Out Everyone, Now I’m Seeing A Red Mist!

I can’t speak. I’m too angry. In England, apparently, if you have “good character,” you can go ahead and clobber your wife without fear of going to jail. You can just compensate her with a few bucks because apparently the damage to your reputation is punishment enough. This guy said a red mist descended over …

As Long As You Don’t Teach Them To Kill, We’re Cool.

I always thought that teachers were supposed to be role-models. Even outside the classroom, their behaviour was somewhat scrutinized. But according to a court in Montreal, this is no longer the case. Apparently, a teacher can be a convicted killer since that has nothing to do with the subject he’s teaching, which in this case …

Is There Anything A Lawyer Won’t Touch?

This is one of those times when the story speaks for itself and I need to add nothing, so here’s a snip. South Carolina Inmate Hits Michael Vick With ‘$63,000,000,000 Billion Dollar’ Lawsuit Alleging Al Qaeda Ties Embattled NFL quarterback Michael Vick, facing federal charges related to his alleged participation in dogfighting, has been hit …