How Much Is That Doggy In The Window…Per Month?

When I was a kid, and we whined about wanting a puppy, mom said if we really wanted a puppy, we had to be in it for the long hall. We had to realize that getting a dog is a commitment, and it wasn’t just a passing phase. Apparently, there’s a company wanting to make …

This Is My House Damn It!

Let’s hope this never happens to me. I’m always afraid I’ll open the wrong door in the apartment building and piss someone off, just like this blind intoxicated Harris County man did. The story is too funny on its own, so I’ll just quote it and laugh. HOUSTON, July 24 (UPI) — A blind man …

Man Vs. Machine

The city of Guelph recently passed a bylaw stating that all cabs must have their sign lights turned off when they are carrying passengers. That sounds pretty mundane I know, but wait until you hear why. According to Guelph Police Services Board lawyer Harry Perets, the law is designed to eliminate the confusion and safety …

Now We Know Why They Named It That

A 45-year-old man from New Westminster, British Columbia lost control of the van he was driving Friday night, crashing through a concrete median and going over an embankment before coming to rest at the edge of a cliff about 30 metres above get this,Wreck Beach. I know it’s not the name of a person like …

I Just Called To Say I’m Thirsty

I think we’re getting into SMS tea kettle territory with this one. A group of postgraduate students from New York University has developed a service [presumably for people who are too stupid to figure things like this out on their own] that will enable plants that are either too wet or too dry to phone …

Another Fine Parenting Example

Why didn’t this story come in a few hours earlier? I could have included it in my rant about bad parents. Oh well, here it is now, to add to the pile. Scott Scherer and Melanie Hardrath really love to go watch the Packers play. They really love their memorabilia too. But they don’t love …

Thank God These Two Didn’t Breed!

Wow. This story is just, um, well, stupid. The guy feels like an idiot, does he? So he should. Let’s tell a quick version of the story, as quick as possible anyway. Michael Moylan, 45, woke up with crazy head pain. He asked his wife to drive him to the hospital. He wondered why she …

Why are these people having kids?

Lately, I can’t stop seeing stories of parents who don’t seem to have the first clue how to take care of their kids’ most basic needs. Let’s count the things I’ve seen in the past couple weeks. There’s this 63-year-old idiot who left an 11-month old girl, they say it’s hers, in a hot car …