Now There’s a Scary Thought

This guy is crying discrimination because he can’t have a gun permit. I’m jumping for joy. Why? because he’s blind! Carey McWilliams claims that he would only use it to shoot someone at point blank range to defend himself, and he thinks he can zero in on someone by sound. Sure, we can be pretty …

I’m Not A Doctor, But I’ve Been Trained By A Few

In my life, I’ve seen plenty of stupid. I’ve also experienced plenty of really stupid, fucking stupid and even a pretty fair dose of mind-blowingly fucking stupid. But never before have I seen something the likes of what I can only callpenis cream stupid. The story goes like this. A school teacher allowed a random …

Can You Hear Me Now? No? Great, Mission Accomplished!

Ok, here’s the new most retarded thing I heard all time all my life. Mobiles to be blocked for Bush Mobile phone calls in sections of Sydney’s CBD will reportedly be blocked during US President George Bush’s APEC visit in September. News Limited papers report the sophisticated counter-terrorism measure will be used to prevent mobile …

I’m Gonna Sue Your Ass!

I didn’t think it would be possible, but the Celebrity Butt Plug thing I posted about last month just got even funnier. It seems that there’s more than one company making butt plug President Bush’s, and feeling that there’s only room for one President in the hearts and cracks of the public, these 2 companies …

When The Moon Hits Your Eye Like A Big Pizza Pie, That’s…A Beer?

A couple of guys from the Chicago area have for some reason teamed up to create Mama Mia Pizza Beer, a beer that smells and tastes like a pizza because well, it’s brewed using real pizza and pizza ingredients. Gold Medal Winning Brewmaster, Mike Rybinski of Walter Payton’s Roundhouse has teamed up with Award Winning …