Before we get started, here’s a quick update/correction. Thestory in Things Number 3about the drunk who said a unicorn was driving his car when he had his accidentturns outnot to be quite accurate.There was no unicorn, just misunderstood slang that came out of communications from the prosecutor’s office. Apparently anybody who has a stupid excuse …
Category Archives: news
Odd Combination Of Things Number 3
Sorry for not having this posted sooner, but between seeing a friend I don’t see much, setting up my new computer, going away to see family, seeing something that made me profoundly upset [possible post to come on that one], running around getting a bunch of things done so I don’t have to think about …
Something Tells Me This One’s Not a Career Criminal
Do I really need to say anything? Taken from the Guelph Mercury. Criminal calls police for help breaking into church STEVENS POINT, WIS. (Mar 7, 2007) If only all criminals were this helpful. A 24-year-old man called police to tell them he was trying to break into a church but he wasn’t having much luck. …
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Well Doesn’t That Suck Donkey Balls?
Well shit. It appears that this donkey thing isn’t even real. Apparently, it was made up to see how many people would report it as news, and I guess they made asses out of us among many. Damn them. But I have to say this has only happened to us once before, so I guess …
Ploughing Down the Stupid
Ok, any way you slice this story, it’s stupid. At 2:00 a.m., a bunch of people were milling around downtown looking for rides. They started banging on random vehicles asking if they’d give them a drive. Now here’s where it gets confusing. The radio said a woman pounded on the window of a pickup truck …
Sue! Sue! Yes I’m Gonna Sue!
I don’t quite know why this bugs me, but it does. Here’s a quick rundown of a story I just read in the Guelph Mercury. Old man gets on bus. Bus goes back into traffic before old man is seated, old man falls, breaks a hip, an arm and gets heavily bruised, old man can …
Wow, Just…Wow!
I mentioned earlier that it’s getting harder and harder for me to find things in the news that I truly consider weird. Well, that bar is about to be set even higher. Observe. A man who was found dressed in latex and handcuffs brought a donkey to his room in a Galway city centre hotel, …
Wouldn’t You Give A Hand To A Friend?
Here’s an update on Ahmed Rashed, the guy who stole a human hand and gave it to a stripper friend of his as a gift. He has been sentenced to 15 months of probation and fined $5000. If he breaches the terms of his sentence, he could wind up spending up to 5 years in …
March 2nd’s Odd Combination Of Things
Like I saidlast time,some of these links will probably stop working after a little while. This is normal. Like I also said last time, feel free to send things in, I can always use more material. Ok, here we go. *In some news I’m very happy to hear, the British government isconsidering giving police the …
An Odd Combination Of Things
Every day, I’m either sent or I come across a lot of funny or interesting things. Sadly, a lot of them don’t make it to the site for one reason or another. Sometimes they’re too short to make anything out of. I do 1 line posts from time to time, but you can’t do that …