Man mistook porn movie scream for rape OCONOMOWOC, Wis. (AP) – A Wisconsin man said he broke into an apartment with a cavalry sword because he thought he heard a woman being raped but the sound was from a pornographic movie his upstairs neighbour was watching. “Now I feel stupid,” said James Van Iveren, who …
Category Archives: news
More On Telus. Wait, Make That Moron Telus
In a quick update to something Carinwroteabout a few days ago,it seems the spineless fairies at Telus have caved and willno longer be offering their porn subscription service. I have no more to say, Carin did a fine job of saying what needed to be said last week when the story came out.
The Timing Sucks, But If You’re Going To Fight, The Hospital Is A Good Place To Do It
A routine appendix operation in Belgrade went horribly wrong when two surgeons started fighting and stormed from the operating room to settle their dispute outside. according to a recentreport,surgeon Spasoje Radulovic was operating when fellow doctor Dragan Vukanic entered and made a remark that started a quarrel. “At one moment Vukanic pulled the ear of …
Don’t Drink and Drive People Nuts
When there’s a problem, people seem to find a need to pin the blame on someone, don’t they? It would be nice if they could figure out who the right person is to pin it on. There’s a neighbourhood of…what should we call them…outraged area residents? Sure. Sounds good. They’re mad because they live near …
They’re Going to Get it Done, Come Hell or High Water
This just creeps me out. Does it creepyou out? Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion is prepared to take “extraordinary measures” to boost the ranks of women candidates in the next election, including barring men from seeking nominations in some ridings. During last year’s leadership race, Dion promised that under his watch at least a third of …
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Do Unto Yourself as the People in These Pictures are Doing Unto Each Other.
Here we go again with Telus in the news, only this time, I’m on their side. Telus Mobility has decided to allow people to download porn on their cell phones for a fee. The porn that users can access has been checked to see if it meets federal and provincial standards, and only people who …
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We want your Savings Since We’re Missing Our Souls.
Wow. I think it would be a miracle if these assholes could sleep at night. The sad thing is they probably can. During their fund-raising campaignes, hosts on the Miracle Channel would strongly advocate that their viewers cash out their RRSP’s and donate them to the station. Choice quotes like “There is somebody right now …
Continue reading “We want your Savings Since We’re Missing Our Souls.”
Penny for Your Thoughts? How about 22000 of ’em?
I’m still laughing. I don’t think this guy was expecting the response he got, but it’s still funny. Police mistake package of pennies for bomb WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C. (Feb 12, 2007) As protests go, it was a bomb. It began when a disgruntled Williams Lake rancher dumped a package on the steps of his local …
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this story sounded so stupid when I first read it that I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. So certain was I that Ananova had been taken for a ride that I went and did some looking around. In doing so I learned 2 things. Yes, these people really did change the name of the …
Peter Peter Courgette Eater
Russian man divorces wife over pumpkin pie I have nothing to say other than that the quote at the end of this story nearly made me spit water all over myself.