Take That, You Sonofabush!

Deputy finds man punching shrub A 23-year-old Hilton Head Island man was charged with public disorderly conduct after a deputy observed him “in a physical confrontation with shrubs” at 8:27 p.m. Saturday at Carolina First, 401 William Hilton Parkway, according to a Beaufort County Sheriff’s Report. Responding to a complaint that a man tried to …

I Thought It Would Be American Idol Contestants

According to this story, the noise a person makes while vomiting has been scientifically proven to be the worst sound in the world. Professor Trevor Cox and a team of researchers at Salford University’s Acoustic Research Centre in the UK conducted a year-long online study during which over 1.1 million people from around the world …

Are you really playing Farrelly?

Man oh man. Politics makes people regress, I swear. Just have a look at one of our city councillors if you don’t believe me. Ever since we had our municipal election in November, there has been a tug of war going on between two councillors over a seat. It all started when Kathleen Farrelly won …

People say the dumbest things.

I swear that when the media comes around, people get stupid. Ok, here’s the story. Two days ago, a guy got into a private school at the time when parents were coming to collect their kids and take them home. He sexually assaulted a seven-year-old girl in the washroom. He got caught, he got arrested, …

A Severe Case of Norwalk? Or Stupidity!

Ug. Morons! I throw up my hands in complete dismay and disbelief. I found a story in the Merc that makes me want to scream. Ok. For the past 10 or so days, there has been a Norwalk-like virus going around certain sections of the hospital. So, to prevent more people from getting it, and …

Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Holy Shit You Must Like Legal Bills!

These imbeciles are appealing their DaVinci Code Lawsuit! Why can’t they just quit while they’re…behind I guess? They already owe about $2 million of Randomhouse’s legal bills, plus their own! Face it dudes, you’re done! I wish I could find the page number where their book is clearly mentioned, and save the courts, the judge, …

Did You See That Thing with the Guy on the Show There?

Um, this is dumb. Dumb and doomed to fail. A coalition of agencies that fight for the protection of prostitutes in Vancouver is sending letters to the media saying that reporters shouldn’t use Robert Pickton’s name when they talk about him during his upcoming trial so that he doesn’t get some kind of celebrity status …

Blinded Me with Science

Ok, this is just stupid. A 15-year-old boy apparently learned how to make a home-made bomb out of caustic soda and other common products from a children’s television science show, although that is under dispute, because the show’s producers can’t find record of that exact experiment. His plan of impressing all of his friends went …