This is Providing More Choice?

Where do I begin? There are so many things wrong with this story that it’s mind-boggling. A bunch of people have decided that all institutions for people with developmental disabilities must go. They claim it’s so people can have a choice of where to live, and they will be better off if integrated into the …

Big Doctor is Watching You.

I feel like this theme is getting stale, but this one just baffles me. The story is this. the health commissioner of New York City has decided that Diabetes is an epidemic, and should be treated like infectious diseases. If someone has an infectious disease, health officials know about it, so the threat to others …

Does This Disturb You as Much as It Does Me?

Does this scare you? It should. George W. Bush just signed a new bill into law that will allow terror suspects to be tried sooner, interrogators to legally use techniques like sleep-deprivation and induced hypothermia, and make it even more ok than they seem to think it is now to hold people indefinitely. This disturbs …

I Smell Something Burning. It’s Common Sense!

A friend sent me a story that pissed me off, so I thought I’d write about it. Let me try and sum this up for you. At a housing complex in a tough neighbourhood in Winnipeg, a bunch of kids between the ages of 8 and 11 decided to set fire to a shed in …