Charges dropped in sex aid-bomb mixup. CHICAGO (AP) – Prosecutors dropped all charges against a man who said an airport security guard misunderstood him when she thought he said a sexual device in his backpack was really a bomb. Mardin Amin, who appeared in court Wednesday morning, has said he actually told the female security …
Category Archives: news
The Blue Screen Of Life Sentence
The Zichuan District People’s Court in China is being criticized for using a computer program to determine sentences in more than 1500 criminal cases. The software, which is said to be programmed to work with about 100 different types of cases, allows judges to enter details of a particular crime into the system, which then …
Man needs surgery after sex with hedgehog. And if that’s not enough for you, feel free to have a look at theSmartKlamp male circumcision device. If anyone needs me, I’ll be trying desperately to convince my penis that I’m not crazy enough to subject it to any of this shit.
Wow! Ontario’s Coming to its Senses!
Remember the story about identity thieves selling a person’s house right out from under the real owner? Well, finally a law is getting written to help with that. Apparently, duh, they’ve finally realized that maybe if a purchase is deemed fraudulent, maybe measures should be taken to reverse it so the real owner can have …
He’s On Drugs? You’re Kidding!
Rememberthe super genius who jumped out of the upper deck of Yankee Stadium last year because he wanted to see if the nets could hold him?Well, here’s a quickupdateon him. NEW YORK (AP) – A baseball fan who jumped from the upper deck at Yankee Stadium onto the netting behind home plate has been banned …
Hey! That’s Not A Hand!
A participant in the annual Sex Dolls Rafting Tournament near St Petersburg, Russia was disqualified in shame for “sexual abuse of apparatus”, Mosnews reports. In other news, there really is such a thing as the annual Sex Dolls Rafting Tournament.
It’s A Service Dog, You Morons!
I know the title is a bit strongly-worded, but that’s the only one that would fit. In this day and age, this story shouldn’t even be happening. A 15-year-old boy in Calgary has Muscular Dystrophy. That means he has some trouble bending, walking, etc. So he gets a service dog to help with these things. …
Not Da Craw, Da Craw!
Ok, I don’t know what to think about this, but hey, ya gotta be fair, right? There’s a new spin on the story about the guy with the penis pump at the airport that reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit where this oriental guy with a hand shaped like a claw keeps …
My House is Your House?
Picture this. You’re an old man. You have a nice house whose investment value is supporting your Hungarian family. You rent it to a couple. The couple decide they want your house. They forge a power of attorney, sign over your house, and sell it! You’re lucky to have a nice real estate agent for …
Oh That’s Just Gay
So on the same news show last night as the big Jew story I asked about yesterday – they were also talking about something that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Apparently a while back, a gay couple won some kind of court ruling over the province of British Columbia when they argued that …