I’m Sure She’s Very Proud

The following is a public service announcement brought to you by the good folks at Vomit Comet. When you’re flying somewhere with your Mom and you don’t want her to know that you’re carrying your penis pump with you, there are probably better ways to hide it from her than telling security that you’ve got …

Thanks, Boss, You’re So Kind.

Wow. You know management is a bunch of insensitive pricks if you work at Northwest Airlines. Why? Because after they decided to lay off workers, they gave these victims of the axe a book of helpful tips on how to save money, which included telling them to go dumpster-diving. Wow, talk about taking away someone’s …

More Morons from the Morons’ Club

Here’s another letter to the editor about the spray-painting incident. I don’t know why the stream of letters on the subject interests me so much. Maybe I should stop posting them, because they’re probably boring everyone else to tears. At least this guy makes some sense, unlike that other pile of crap that was sent …

And Now It’s Time For Today’s Story That Makes Steve Seriously Consider Throwing Himself Over His Balcony

We, as a people, have now reached the point where we feel it necessary tocut the smoking scenes out of classic cartoons to prevent children from being exposed to unacceptable negative messages. If you just read that and either A don’t see a problem with it or B think it’s a good idea, I’d like …

VC Solves American Immigration Problems

It’s not that hard for the USA to solve their immigration problem that has been in the news about Mexicans crossing the border illegally. Just allow all the Mexicans in that want to come but force them all to join the army. Then invade Mexico and take it over and not have any exit strategy. …

Man Do I Ever Hate The Media

So yesterday the news networks were in full vulture mode over more terror related flight news. Sort of. Round the clock coverage with BREAKING NEWS updates and all kinds of shit to scare the hell out of the world. At some point yesterday somehow news broke that a plane from England bound for Washington DC …

This Big Ramsey Murder Thing

So John Karr has been arrested in Thailand for the murder of a young girl. He’s also been accused of sexually abusing the young girl in Boulder, Colorado. He was formerly a 2nd Grade Teacher there but was relieved of his teaching duties when his computer was found full of child pornography. My question is, …