It’s Not Their Job!

Ok, time to vent a little. I just finished reading an article in which members of the RCMP as well as B.C.’s Solicitor-General John Les slammed the makers of the new movie “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” for making a film that glorifies illegal street racing. They say that the movie’s producers are …

I Miss The Days Where Rage Equalled Good Posts

Good afternoon, class. So I’m at work, and it sucks. And it’s Monday. And I’m tired. And everything that everyone is doing at any time seems to be pissing me off. When I started this blog in ’03 with Steve – that would have equalled a golden post. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that no longer …

Something Tells Me They Had the Brain Damage Part Covered Long Before This Happened

Two students found dead inside large helium balloon LUTZ, FLA. (Jun 5, 2006) Two university students were found dead inside a large, deflated helium balloon after apparently pulling it down and crawling inside it. The deaths of Jason Ackerman and Sara Rydman, both 21, appear to be accidental, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Major Bob Schrader said. …

Another Reason Not to Live in the UK.

Read this, and tell me one good purpose it serves. Apparently, in the UK, there is such a backlog of court cases that the penalty for several serious offenses ranging from burglary to sex with children has been reduced to sending these assholes home with a caution. This means they have a criminal record, but …

One More Mountain to Climb? Or Maybe Not.

I heard this on the news and it sorta pissed me off. I can’t believe this is causing an ethical debate. The story goes like this. People train to climb Mount Everest every year. They know that if they don’t do it just right, there’s a high probability they won’t make it down. Some people …