I just read a story about a bill that was recently introduced in Parliament that would make it a separate crime to do harm to an unborn child in cases where a pregnant woman is either assaulted or murdered. The idea obviously has its critics among pro-choice advocates who see it as something that, if …
Category Archives: news
If You’re Going to Run from the Cops, Do It in the UK.
Wow. Why can’t we find a middle ground? The American government wants to take away *everyone’s* privacy, but in the UK, even a fugitive’s privacy is considered sacred. They won’t put up wanted posters with their names and faces on them because, boohoohoohoo, they might sue! So only live in the UK if you want …
Continue reading “If You’re Going to Run from the Cops, Do It in the UK.”
A Bit Of Hometown Trivia
Until Monday night when one was passed by council, the city of Guelph had no laws to tell people that they were not allowed to piss and shit on the streets, or in the doorways of local businesses. I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud.
Where Are They Gonna Hide That?
Thieves steal rollercoaster German police officers are asking for help in tracking down thieves who stole an entire rollercoaster. The 20 ton big dipper, worth more than £13,000, was stolen from a truck that had stopped at a car park in Bischofsheim on its way to a nearby funfair. First of all, for anyone who …
This Guy Is Teaching Your Kids
When I read this story I can’t help but think that if it was a student that came up with this idea on his own, he’d be hustled into countless meetings and psychiatric assessments with no thought given to what kind of person he is, and there’s definitely no way he’d be able to avoid …
This Guy Is Kidding, Right?
Perhaps I should have titled this “Why People Hate Lawyers: Part 17326”. This is part of an article I just read about the sentencing of Min Chen, the man responsible for the killing of Cecilia Zhang. Chen’s lawyer, prominent Toronto defence attorney John Rosen, said he was dismayed that [judge] Durno rejected his argument that …
Brain Drain!
Wow! Would you believe that, instead of making a date-rape drug, this bunch of imbeciles made industrial strength drain cleaner, some of them even managing to down four glasses of it, but they still didn’t figure out that something was amiss with their chemical creation until they had to call an ambulance because our star …
I’m Sure They Taste Great, And They’re Definitely Less Filling
PM slammed by GO hackers OTTAWA — Ever wonder what a prime minister eats? GO Transit riders in and around Toronto may wish they didn’t know after pranksters recently hacked into the commuter trains’ digital sign system and offered their thoughts on the subject. “Stephen Harper Eats Babies,” five different signs stated between Thursday and …
Continue reading “I’m Sure They Taste Great, And They’re Definitely Less Filling”
The Living Definition Of Stubborn
Man spends 50 years in tree after row The thing that strikes me the most about this story isn’t just that this guy decided to live in a tree for 50 years although that is pretty crazy, but that he’s been up there since his son was 5 years old. Some of the earliest memories …
Whatever Works, I Guess
Shanghai workers hire anger surrogates I hope these guys have really good insurance, because I can see this going real bad in a real hurry.