Gay flamingos strike long-term relationship this one’s weird. Weird and interesting.
Category Archives: news
Maybe He Was Training To Be An Ontario Bus Driver
No green light for driver with traffic signal gadget I thought it was kind of interesting that a story like this one came along at around the same time as the wholebus thingI talked about earlier.
Please Don’t Kill Me
I just read that Ontario is now allowing bbusses and streetcars to use the same technology that emergency vehicles are able to use to change traffic signals when they need to get somewhere in a hurry. The idea is that letting them do so will reduce congestion, speed up bus traffic and get people to …
And the Absurdity Continues!
Ok, I’m going to bitch for a little bit and then continue my pile of posts of happiness. Yes, I have more. Anyone scared yet? Or are you just asking me what’s in that cuppa soup? Honestly, I’d like to know as well. I got this from a friend who got this from a friend …
And It Gets Better
Either the story I linked to in my previous post about this wasn’t clear enough or I just flat out missed it, but apparently the anti-commercial skipping technology that Philips has developed would not only prevent you from fast forwarding the ads during programs you have recorded, but also keep you from channel surfing during …
How To Lose Friends And Influence People…To Want To Kick Your Ass
Philips creates anti-ad skipperI don’t have a TiVo or anything, but I still hate this idea. Hate hate hate it! It’s kind of like telling me that I can’t use my VCR (remember those?) to fast forward something. And I love the way they try to justify its creation by saying “don’t worry, we’re not …
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Isn’t this Overkill?
Our whole society is slowly going mad. Let me sum up what it is about this story and things that surround it that makes me think so. Seemingly nice guy visits dad in Maine. Guy finds out about two sex offenders in different towns, we think through the sex offender registry. Guy borrows dad’s truck …
Last Call For Last Call?
Here’s another story update for you. A few weeks ago I wrote about the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s brilliant plan toarrest people in bars because they’re drunk. Well, after almost 2000 arrests and seemingly a lot more public outcry, the program, which they ended up naming Operation Last Call, has beencalled off,hopefully for good.
Gun Safety Update
Remember thegun safety videothat I posted a link to a couple of months ago? Well, the star of that clip, Drug Enforcement Administration officer Lee Paige, is nowsuing his employer for letting the video get out. Here are the important parts of the story, just in case the link doesn’t stay active for very long, …
German Man Sues Easter Bunny “The Easter Bunny is a sadistic and unscrupulous offender who preys on people’s sweet tooth.”