Serbs line up for testicle shocks Are condoms really that much of a pain? Men in Serbia are lining up to have electric shocks delivered to their testicles as part of a new contraceptive treatment. Serbian fertility expert Dr Sava Bojovic, who runs one of the clinics offering the service, said the small electric shock …
Category Archives: news
Thanks For The Tip
Apparently cow tipping isn’t as easy as people make it sound,and here’s the study to prove it.Yes, I said study.
I want you all to meet Chris Roller, the guy who just might get my vote for craziest man in the universe. Not only is he suing David Copperfield and David Blaine claiming that they owe him money because they’ve stolen his Godly powers and are now using them in their magic acts, but he …
The Propaganda Weekly
The Newark New Jersey city council hasawarded a $100,000 US no-bid contractto the Newark Weekly News in exchange for the paper only printing positive stories about the city. The idea was pitched to council by Howard Scott, who owns the paper. Council, in a decision that I’m sure comes as a surprise to just about …
Mayor: Sever Thumbs of Graffiti Artists
RENO, Nev. (AP) – Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman has suggested that those who deface freeways with graffiti should have their thumbs cut off on television. Goodman, appearing Wednesday on the “Nevada Newsmakers” television show, said, “In the old days in France, they had beheading of people who commit heinous crimes. “You know, we have …
Come On Now, Play Nice
Jury Rules Against Woman in Genital Gluing I’m not sure what’s funnier here, the story, or the fact that the name of the woman involved in it is O’Toole. Irony rules.
Read the Fine Print!
Well, I was reading something in the paper today that makes me feel a lot better. I was starting to think a while back that I must have been a really stupid kid, because I didn’t get all the meanings of stuff that was in songs and stories for kids. I’d just remember the funny …
What the fuck?
There are no better words to express what I’m about to describe. I’m sitting here just shaking my head in disbelief. Please tell me there wasn’t some kind of geographic shift that has thrown me to some far off place. I am in Canada, right? The scenery looks the same, but shit is going on …
Where Was This Stuff When I was A Kid?
Animal lovers slam Choke-A-Chicken toySeriously, that’s honestly what it’s called. But if you don’t want to believe either me or The Register, you can check out its official website and maybe even buy one by clicking here. And if you’re considering picking up a few for the kids on your Christmas list, think about grabbing …
Active Listening By The Deaf
Man. I can’t believe how people who claim to be good listeners don’t really listen. Or maybe they only listen in certain contexts, and then turn off their ears everywhere else. I said I was in training to work with people who are trying to get out of abusive situations, and that would involve learning …