No Zits, or a Healthy Baby? Oo, Hard Decision.

I saw something on the news that made me flip out, what else is new? There’s a drug to stop acne, I think we’ve all heard of Accutane. It’s been known before to be related to depression and higher suicide rates. Ok, that’s freaky. But this time, people are freaking out at the company for …

For Some Reason Moving To Denmark Suddenly Seems Like A Good Idea

This comes The Danish government is under attack for paying for its disabled citizens to have sex with prostitutes. The official ‘Sex, irrespective of disability’ campaign pays sex workers to provide sex once a month for disabled people. The legal guidelines advise: “It could be of great importance that the carer speaks to the …

I Have No Idea What To Call This Post

Happy Monday to everybody. I hope you’re all having a good day, and I hope you’re keeping cool if it’s hot where you are. It’s hot here, that I know for sure. Canadian weather is just fucking weird, there’s no other way to describe it. A few days ago we were treated to some beautiful …

Yahoo Instant Computer Polluter

According tothis story,Yahoo has decided that they know better than you do what software you want to install and run on your computer and what you want your default home and search pages to be. The latest version of Yahoo Instant Messenger, which comes as a “highly recommended” upgrade, comes bundled with something like 5 …

With Telus, the Future is Communism.

This kind of shit shouldn’t be happening in Canada. My friend is moving to B.C. and she told me something really disturbing. I guess out there, Telus is the only major internet company there is, so they pretty much have you by the balls when it comes to internet. Apparently, they are blocking access to …

Slime Kettle? Meet Slime Pot. Who’s blacker?

Man, some things just crack me up. Take our friendly neighbourhood hardware store owner Richer Lapointe from near Montreal who thought he’d get himself some glory by apparently uncovering that Carla Homolka has breached some of her release conditions. Ok, first off, he tried to seem noble by writing not 1, not 2, but 22 …

Thou shalt Remember You’re on Tape.

Man, how stupid does Pat Robertson think people are? He’s that televangelist who has been known for saying all kinds of weird things like feminism will cause women to kill their own babies and government buildings should be blown up with a nuclear device. After he sat up there on his TV show talking about …

Spread Your Tiny Wings and Fall Apart.

Well I guess this should be expected, knowing how much our military sucks. Yesterday, just while warming up for a show, one of the Snowbirds, ya know, one of the planes supposed to be able to do really cool flips in the air and show off, crashed. While warming up! Isn’t that a fine statement? …

Maybe We should Do That Here

Turkmen President Bans Lip Synching ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan – He has outlawed opera and ballet and railed against long hair and gold teeth, but now the authoritarian president of Turkmenistan is determined to wipe out another perceived scourge: lip synching. President Saparmurat Niyazov has ordered a ban on lip synching performances across the tightly controlled Central …

Freedom? Normality? What’s that?

I saw something on the news that scared me. Apparently, because of a few numbnutses who like to make Crystal Meth, which can be made by using ingredients in common cold remedies, they want to restrict common cold remedies. What kind of stupid solution is that? Where does it stop? Next, are we going to …