This Post Has Nothing To Do With Politics

Ok, actually it does, but not if we use the Stephen Harper definition of the word. Let me explain. Some of Canada’s war veterans are upset and rightfully so that government officials including Harper and Prime Minister Paul Martin missedSunday’s V-E Day Celebration in Europefor political reasons, specifically the current situation that could see the …

Happy Holidays

A small town in Brazil officially declared yesterday to beOrgasm Day. According to the news story linked above, the festivities were intended to improve relationships between the town’s married couples as well as to celebrate the orgasm in all of its forms. the day even included a panel discussion on premature ejaculation which unfortunately ended …

I Beg To Differ

Minneapolis Minnesota’s chief of police wants the government to License the city’s beggars because he feels that something needs to be done to help police deal with aggressive panhandling. I think I can almost understand the logic behind this, but having said that, there are 2 really simple reasons why a system like this would …

Ok, This Is Just Strange

If you’re planning a trip to Germany, you might want to pack a raincoat and a helmet. And no, Helmet isn’t some German guy either. Apparently parks in the city of Hamburg are being faced with a very unusual problem,exploding toads. Nobody seems to know why it’s happening, but over the past 4 days, over …