I’m so glad that my Sesame Street watching days came when the show’s creators still realized that cartoons could be educational and fun at the same time. According to this story, the show’s new season will feature a new health craze that goes so far that Cookie Monster can’t even be Cookie Monster anymore because …
Category Archives: news
I’ve Heard Of Stranger Things Than This, But It’s Still Weird
A man from Senegal has invented what he’s calling an automatic condom fitter that he claims will make it easier for guys to put on a condom without ruining the flow of the action and spoiling the mood. Mor Maty Seck, the inventor in question, also claims that with enough practice a man can use …
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No Marley No Film
BBC asks long-dead Bob Marley for interview LONDON (AFP) – A red-faced BBC apologised for requesting an interview with Bob Marley, the Jamaican reggae legend who died 24 years ago. BBC Three, one of the public broadcaster’s digital TV channels, sent an e-mail to the Bob Marley Foundation saying it wanted to do a documentary …
British Crime Sounds So Cute
This story about a naked guy running off another naked guy who is trying to rob his home is kind of funny to start with, but when you read this version of events as written in the King’s English, that sense of funny is taken to cartoonish levels. I swear, some of these reporters could …
Goodbye Free Speech, Hello Government Controlled Education
Florida Republicans are trying to get a bill through the State’s House of Representatives that would allow students to file suit against university professors who they feel aren’t respecting or giving fair representation to their chosen religious beliefs, and even more frightening than that, their beliefs in general. Dennis Baxley, the bill’s sponsor, says that …
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We Make No Sense
My friend Jen sent me an article out of the newspaper. It was about this woman who had some kind of chemical imbalance 15 years ago that caused her heart to stop for a few minutes. They managed to get it started again, but it left her severely brain-damaged. She can breathe on her own, …
When Did Our Country Grow A Spine?
This is a few days old, but I just got a chance to read it now, and all I can say is wow. Ok, wow and how long until a cluster bomb gets dropped on us by accident? Former Liberal cabinet member Lloyd Axworthy wrote this open letter to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice …
Somebody Stop These British Criminal Monsters
This is the best idea I’ve heard in a while. I hope more stories come out with updates on how it goes. As US coast-to-coast crimewaves go, it is not in the league of Bonnie and Clyde. It lacks both violence and avarice and is further hindered by an overabundance of pre-publicity. Undeterred, a couple …
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A Bit Of A Warning
I’m not sure how many of you use the Next Blog link that’s near the top of this site and most other blogs, but I thought thatthis articlewas worth mentioning anyway. It seems that people have found a way to slip spyware into blogs that use certain features and as a result, people have been …
Ok, Knock it Off!
So I’m sleeping, and I left the TV on. I wake up, and this is the first thing I hear. “More news on the Pope. We take you now to a press conference at the hospital.” A translator is feverishly spitting out the English equivalent to what some Italian guy is saying. What he’s apparently …