One of our loyal Vomiteers, Brad, pointed this story out to me. HEALTH CAMPAIGN MAKES ‘L’ OF A MISTAKE I thought they gave you those shots in your arm. Now I’m definitely not getting one. An embarrassing spelling mistake has caused Nova Scotia’s Health Department to recall thousands of pins meant to support the annual …
Category Archives: news
I Guess I Won’t Be Having Any Fucking Kids
New research by Russian scientists has found that people who swear should probably consider stopping or risk facing problems down the road. Gennady Cheurin, who lead the team of scientists that conducted the study at the Yekaterinburg Centre for Ecological Safety and Survival says that when men and women swear, it effects who they are …
Continue reading “I Guess I Won’t Be Having Any Fucking Kids”
Did Somebody Say McHamster?
I bet it tastes like chicken and everything.Whatever it tastes like, it sure makes me hungry, even if only in a dyslexic sense.
So Did I Get The Job?
The following is a public service announcement. If you ever find yourself needing to apply for a job, under no circumstances is it ever a good idea to do whatthis guydid. That is all.
Honest Honey, I’m Just Sick
Something tells me that this one isn’t going to be a rare disorder for too much longer. CANBERRA, Australia – If you’re cheating on your spouse and get caught, you could use this as your alibi. Apparently, an Australian doctor has diagnosed one of his patients as having a disorder that leads her to have …
Advertising Pisses Me Off
No, this isn’t another rant about how marketers have gone too far, although it could easily be one. The problem is that this concept is too funny to get me all that angry. A company called Wizmark has developed an interactive urinal cake that can not only be used to keep a urinal fresh, but …
Fact Or Fiction?
I just found this story while searching for material to use on the radio. I’m not using it there even though I’m sure I could have lots of fun with it so I thought I’d put it here. But as funny as this story is, I have to wonder if it’s legitimate. I’m having trouble …
Where Do They Find These People?
I just read the following story over on CNET and something about it stuck out at me enough that I felt the need to post it here along with my comments, since I think that somewhere along the line, somebody with a functioning brain needs to weigh in on it and point out how time …
If You’re Going To Screw Somebody, You Might As Well Go All The Way
I’m going to let this news story speak for itself because honestly, there’s nothing I could possibly add to this other than saying, what the hell did you expect them to vote for? Lawyers retain right to have sex with clients
I Bet He Knows What It Means Now
I was just reading a story about a Japanese man who is trying to teach himself English. Now that in itself isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Nor is it all that unusual that his main studying method is to write down common words and phrases that he finds in newspapers and hears frequently in …