The Angry Blind Man’s 6 O’clock News Recap

I’m going to try something that I’ve never tried before because I need to take my mind off of a few things and making fun of people I’ve never met before and venting my anger on them seems like a good way to accomplish that. So with the snappy little introduction complete with reasoning out …

That’s A Great Idea

Prison Employs Inmates As Guards—————————————————————– A short-staffed prison in Mexico has hired 42 of its most fearsome inmates to act as guards. The convicts-turned-wardens will each be paid between £20 and £100 a month. They will help the real guards keep control in the overcrowded prison at Tepic. According to Mexican newspaper Reforma, the prisoners …

If There Is A God, He’s A Sick Bastard

I’ve heard it said many times that God has a sense of humour, and if there is in fact a God, I have proof that he does, and that it’s twisted as hell. A man who comes from a place not too far away from where I live was recently out driving his car when …

Anything For A Buck

Osama bin Laden Haircut Results in Lawsuit—————————————————————– HONG KONG, China – A woman hoping for Julia Roberts hair entereda salon in Hong Kong and came out looking like Osama bin Laden.At least that is what she claimed. In an attempt to sue the salonfor compensation, Chu Ieu said in court that not only did she …