In an effort to stop the erosion of moral standards in the country, Zanzibar’s parliament has unanimously passed a bill that would ban homosexuality. Violators of the new law, which is expected to get presidential assent in the very near future, would be slapped with jail terms that could be as long as 25 years. …
Category Archives: news
This Country Makes Me Sick
That title may seem a bit harsh and I’m not sure I actually believe it but you’re reading this so it got your attention. In all honesty, I don’t think this country makes me sick. The people are great, we’re free-er than most countries…. but our judiciary system JUST BLOWS!!! In Ottawa this week a …
Oops, Wrong House
If you think you’re having a rough day, take a look atthis poor bastard’s story. It’s a touching story of boy meets girl in a rape fantasy chat room, boy and girl arange a meeting, boy breaks into wrong house and tries to fantasy rape wrong woman who retaliates by hoofing him in the bag …
If You’re Eating Right Now, Stop!
I found this story the other day while I was doing research for the radio show but I just never got around to throwing it up here. Speaking of throwing things up, like the title says, stop eating before you read any further. I’m serious about this. This story, as far as I can tell, …
I’m Torn
I just read in the news that a Russian court has banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses from the city of Moscow. Yeah, a court made being a Jehovah’s Witness illegal. I’m not quite sure how to feel about that. Part of me is really upset that such a stifling of religious freedom could be allowed to …
The government of Ontario, [the Canadian province I live in] is considering passing legislation that would allow restaurant patrons to bring their own bottles of wine with them rather than forcing them to pay for their wine at the restaurant itself. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty calls the proposed move a “very civilized” idea and says …
Don’t Be Sexist, Chicks Hate That
Canada’s National Action Committee on the Status of Women announced today that it is in financial ruin and is pretty much out of money. The group appealed to the government to forgive all of their unpaid taxes in an effort to help them deal with their debt. You know, if I had a sexist side …
Truth Is Dumber Than Fiction
Just when I think I’ve seen the stupidest thing I could possibly see, somebody comes along and tops it. Ok, this story actually more than tops it. It not only takes the cake, I think it baked the fucking thing. I can’t remember which town this happened in but honestly it’s not that important to …
Flawed Logic
A group called The Kaiser Family Foundation has just published a study on junk food addiction and childhood obesity and their findings are in a word, stupid. The study finds that a large part of why kids are so addicted to junk food and getting so fat is that their are more commercials for candy …
Irony At It’s Finest
If you ever find yourself needing to define irony for somebody, forget the dictionary and just point them here. It seems that Eminem has filed a nice hefty lawsuit against Apple Computer, specifically Apple’s iTunes music download service for of all things, get this, copyright infringement. Acording to Em and his music publishing company Eight …