Man, would this ever suck. To make a slightly longer story just a bit shorter, I’ll explain what happened for those of you who may not want to click the link. Some poor guy in Greece was just minding his own business looking at some nice internet porn when what should he come across among …
Category Archives: news
Just Say No
I come across some really weird things when I’m looking for topics for my radio shows but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this, which is completely true by the way, you absolutely cannot write stuff like this. I also want to say that even though I’ve been known to drink heavily …
Cool Story Of The Day
I heard this on the radio again this morning and I think it’s definitely noteworthy. Scientists in Russia have successfully grown a new dick for a Russian, teenage boy. They graphed the skin and allowed it to grow off of his bicep.(try explaining that in the summer). The graph was a complete success as, miraculously, …
Whatever You Wanna Call It
I saw a story on the news today about a 58-year-old man who was killed after he crashed his car into a tree. After telling us all about the accident the news girl said that police are saying that the man died of natural causes. Well, I suppose that when you stop and think about …
This Actually Happened
I heard this on “The Weird News” on my way in to work this morning. Yesterday a South Dakota judge made a decision that local residents of a small S.D. town said was only fair. The problem arose when the citizens of a small neighbourhood went to authorities with a complete about one single man …
Bah. No Title
Good Day to you all, First of all – Yesterday I didn’t get anything posted for my supposedly weekly column on Salty Ham Sports. I was completely uninspired and really, with the exception of the World Junior Hockey Championship, I really didn’t watch much in the way of sports over the holiday. That makes it …
Me Helping You
Like I’ve said before, I’m all about helping you guys out whenever possible. So on that note I would like to give you all a bit of advice. If people break into your home and attempt to make off with your marijuana plants, do not under any circumstances call the police to report it. Just …
I Should Have Known
I should have known something like this was going to happen sooner or later.This Storyfrom CBC news says that the Canadian recording industry is about to start filing suits against it’s customers like the RIAA has been doing for months in the United States. To hear industry head Brian Robertson tell the story, the Canadian …
Content? What Content?
Well we haven’t exactly been setting the place on fire these days around here now have we? Well, I’m not here to change that, I’m just here to offer a few Saturday night thoughts. Not exactly thoughts about Saturday night, just thoughts that I’m writing down on Saturday night. Wow, this isn’t starting off very …
The Envelope Please
I just read this over onCBC News.It’s too funny not to post. Rumsfeld world’s best language-manglerLast Updated Tue, 02 Dec 2003 13:11:37 LONDON – U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has emerged the “clear” winner for a British award given to the worst mangler of the English language. The Plain English Campaign has handed Rumsfeld this …