If any of you happen to work somewhere that is unionized, you should be a little bit frightened after reading this. There’s a story in the news about a guy named George Pavlovszky who works for the city of Moncton New Brunswick here in Canada. He was fired, and quite rightly so I might add, …
Category Archives: news
The Post Office, Technology, Holidays And Much Much More…maybe
I should start out by wishing all of our American readers a happy Thanksgiving. I should, but I’m not going to, Ha! Seriously, happy Thanksgiving. Wherever you are, I hope you’re having a happy one, unless I don’t like you, in which case I hope you choke on your dinner, prick! In fact, choke on …
Continue reading “The Post Office, Technology, Holidays And Much Much More…maybe”
It’s About Time
Top UK judge blasts U.S. for Guantanamo Bay I’m glad somebody finally said something like this and that the media is finally listening. If any Americans reading this wonder why the rest of the world hates you so much, look no further than your government and things exactly like Guantanamo Bay. It’s not all of …
More Michael
Hello Everyone Been a day or so since I threw anything up here, so I figured I should probably do so. It’s Saturday, 10am and I’m not used to being up yet on a Saturday so I have nothing to do, so this will do. Last night I watched a Dateline Special called “Michael Jackson. …
Hey Kid, There’s Candy At My Themepark
Oops, nothing got posted yesterday. Oh well, there’s not really much any of us can do about that now. I was going to throw something up here last night but I came down with a madass migraine that kept me from doing anything other than laying on the couch and trying not to cry. My …
Another Fairly Random Post
Well, I missed yesterday. Being busy plus a complete lack of topics equals no posts. Good thing Matt was here to save the day, and with possibly one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read. Swords? And I love the official reaction of the police too. It pretty much amounted to “we’re pretty sure …
Seriously. This Scares The Shit Out Of Me
On the news this morning they’re talking about a brawl that took place outside a highschool last night at about 9:30pm. (just as night classes were letting out) Now, that in itself isn’t all that scarey as school yard brawls aren’t completely uncommon in a big city like Toronto. What’s scarey is the fact that …
Continue reading “Seriously. This Scares The Shit Out Of Me”
The Steve’s Mind Clearing House
Over the last day or 2 in our apartment building they’ve been trying to fix some water damage that was caused when somebody’s pipe burst and flooded out a bunch of other apartments. Because of this, they keep turning our water on and off. I don’t mind that, because I know that they’re going to …
I’m really not sure what’s gotten into people lately. First we had the guy who swam over Niagara Falls and now this that I just read inThis Is True. HEY, WATCH THIS! Two police officers on routine patrol in a New South Wales, Australia, park saw a man on top of a block of toilets …
Famous People
Just read a couple things that I thought were worth mentioning. First, Vanilla Ice is 35 today. Happy birthday to him. I respect Vanilla Ice for a few reasons. For one thing, he hardly ever puts out music anymore and when he does, it doesn’t show up on radio and haunt me everywhere I go. …