For some reason this didn’t post the first time but maybe that was for the best since I screwed something up anyway. Here it is again, hopefully all fixed. What’s In A Name? I just read that The Gator Corporation, the people behind some of the spyware we all love so much, has decided to …
Category Archives: news
Good Old Politics
Right now here in Canada one of the main stories making news involves a bunch of high ranking government officials taking trips on the dime of a wealthy business family named the Irvings. I know that the idea of politicians taking gifts from people and not wanting anybody to know about it is nothing new, …
Sympathy For The Devil?
I just saw on the news that a bunch of record stores that I don’t shop at due to retardedly high prices are protesting against a decision by The Rolling Stones to sell their new DVD boxed set through Best Buy and Future Shop exclusively and not include these other stores in the action. You …
Siegfried And Lunch
I swear to all of you that I’m not making this up. I saw it on a newswire so until I hear otherwise this is absolutely true. Where do they find these people? This was just one of the stories that we covered on theradiotoday, and we had a good laugh about it, for obvious …
Ya Think?
Mother not happy with son’s plunge over Niagara Falls Mercury Wire Services CANTON, MICH. – The parents of a 40-year-old man who went over Niagara Falls with only the clothes on his back say they’re not happy with their son’s actions. “We would rather he hadn’t done that,” Doris Jones, 77, said Tuesday. Kirk Jones …
Porno Karaoke
Just heard this on the news and got a kick out of it so I thought I’d pass it on to all of you. In Germany right now the latest new trend is something that from German to English pretty much translates in to Porno Karaoke. The idea is very simple. Its done at karaoke …
Safe! What The Hell Is Safe?
The big news in the GTA right now is another child obduction. 9 yr old Cecilia Zhang was taken right out of her room at home sometimbe before 8am Monday morning. Cecilia is 9 years old, of Asian descent, 4 feet 11 inches tall, and weighs 70 pounds. Cecilia speaks English well and has shoulder …
Things And Stuff
Hey guys. Just a few things. First of all, the comments are working, which is cool, but I’ve got a problem. Every time you post something, it flaunts your IP address right on the site instead of just simply logging it. That, is what we here in the business of whatever this is referred to …
Cut The Kid Some Slack
I just read an article from a fairly well known sports writer on the Dany Heatley situation. I’ll spare you the hole article but the short of it is that he believes the kid needs to be punished, and punished severely for his actions. (which I’m sure I don’t need to explain as its been …
Free Speech My Ass!
Ok, time to go off on a little bit of a rant here because something I read just a few minutes ago pissed me off quite a bit and if you’ve got any sort of sense, it should piss you off too when I tell you what happened. This week the city that I live …