I’m Running Out Of Names For These Thought Posts

Here comes another thought splatter. Enjoy. Silly Trixie has a new morning habit. She usually sleeps out in her bed in the living room. I have no idea why. But at some point in the night, she gets up and comes to the bed by me. But she used to just come in and lay …

Monkey Maul, Victim Sue

Remember that old story about Travis the chimp mauling that poor woman? Well, if you didn’t, I’m sure all the Oprah coverage brought it back to memory. Amazingly enough, Charla Nash survived the attack, although she is still healing and horribly disfigured. That’s a lot of damage. She’s also suing the ass off of Sandra …

Not Everything That Seems Creepy Is Always Bad, Or Why Animal Rights Activists Need To Shut Up And Go Away Sometimes

Is there a rule somewhere that says every animal rights activist who makes a statement that at least one other person is going to read/hear has to be a total moron? That’s the only way I can explain how anybody could possiblyhave a problem with British supermarkets using unsold expired meat to create electricity rather …

In Heaven There Are No Pets?

Oh boy. We’ve talked before about that service that promised to send information to specified people post-rapture. Now, Ann Adams let me know of a company promissing to save your pets if you get scooped up to heaven. What I can’t figure out is, if I am to believe they plan to provide this service, …

Just Because It’s Not A Car Doesn’t Mean You Get Off Easy

And here I thought motorized La-Z-Boys, beer coolers and barstools were pretty awesome. I was unaware of other coolness that has been out there. Ann Adams fixed that right quick. Although the la-z-boy and the barstool made the list, there are more. How about a parade float? What about an adult tricycle? A Russian Tank? …

Never Smile, Or Piss, At A Crocodile

Oh my. We’re so getting a fake kidnapping tag. It’s happening. Today, it’s happening. I’m sure the first story this unknown man told about battling men who abducted him, getting shot, and getting thrown to ferocious crocodiles in Mexico was a hell of a lot more cool-sounding than what really happened which was…he drunkenly pissed …