He Said There Are Other fish In The Sea, She Said She Had Other Fish To Fry

Yikes. This unnamed woman from Pasadena is either crazy, spiteful, or a little of both. After a fight with her ex over jewellery, she took, and fried, seven of his goldfish! It’s too bad they don’t say her name, because I think people need to know who she is. If they wind up living with …

Watch The Watch…Or the Bird…Or the Watch…Or the Bird…

A while ago, I mentioned the infamous incident with a room-mate and a talking watch, and I said that I had to tell that story at some point. I feel like telling it today. I believe it was a spring day, and we were all doing stuff to do with school or cleaning the house. …

The S In S-bend Stands for Snake!

You know me and my need to put up snake stories. Here’s another one. I think I’d have a hard time going to the toilet after looking in it one day and seeing a snake just sittin’ there. It was such a big snake that it clogged the pipes! there’s an embedded video. check it …

Taste TheOne That’s Forever Frog

Remember that guy who found a dead thing in his pepsi can? He thought it was a mouse. Actually, the FDA took the can, analyzed it, and said it’s afrog. It was a partially-decomposed frog, but a frog nonetheless. And now Pepsi is screaming that it could not have possibly come from their plant. I …

Dragonflies Are Faster Than A Speeding Bullet!

We’ve talked about people trying to shoot mice, but in that case, nobody was hurt. This time someone decided to shoot dragonflies, and shot his friend in the head instead. We don’t know if his buddy survived, nor was there any word on whether he managed to hit any dragonflies. Dragonflies? Seriously?

That’s Not Nice, It Was Probably Just Playing

Who the fuck gets into a fight with an opossum, and over what? I can’t answer the second part of that question, but the answer to the first is41-year-old Kevin A. Temple. Temple was observed by police walking on the sidewalk holding a live opossum by the tail. He told police he had gotten into …

Wild Animals Aren’t Pets

The story of Donna Munson feeding bears falls under the ha ha ha ha ha you’re stupid files. but sadly, because her actions affected more than her, there is far less laughter. the sweet old lady considered all the passing animals to be her pets, her babies. So, because she liked watching them and didn’t …

Slow And Steady Escapes the Circus

Ok, how does a 114-pound tortoise get away? It’s a tortoise! I mean, I know some tortoises can move fast, but this one obviously didn’t. In 6 days, it only made it 2 miles. They did catch him and he didn’t get pasted by any cars or anything, so that’s good. But…how did he manage …