Guess What, We Have Traps For That Now

You’re not gonna believe this, but there are people out there who see nothing wrong with using a .44 magnum to kill mice. And I’m sure you’ll be stunned by this one too, these people live in a trailer. And just to complete the trifecta, the mice appear to have survived unharmed, naturally. The woman, …

Will the States Be Going To The Dog-Owners?

Ok, it’s official. a majority of pet-owners are morons. Because John McCain happens to have a bunch of pets, more pet-owners say they will be voting for him than the petless Obama because they think he’s more compassionate simply because he has pets. Has anyone ever stopped to notice the broad range of types of …

Here Comes The Bride, All Dressed In White, Here Comes the Groom…Riding A What?

I cannot even imagine making my entrance at my wedding on the back of an elephant. I know it was the groom who did it, but still. I remember a brief ride on an elephant at a circus when I was small. It was so wabbly, I spent the whole time screaming because I thought …

Brings New Meaning To Trouser Snake, Doesn’t It?

Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! I’m not a guy, but I can imagine getting bit on the end of your penis by a venomous snake can’t be pleasant. Oh ow ooo eee! The guy’s just lucky that somehow the snake didn’t fill him with venom, so he’s alive to remember the painful incident. I …

Obey Your Thirst, Except When Riding A Horse!

I have so many questions about this story. Juliet Brown, 9, was riding a horse with her dad. She got thirsty, so they stopped and got a pop. When she opened it, the horse spooked, bucked her off and dragged her for a mile and a half. Not surprisingly, the poor kid died. So now …