Take It Out, Take It Out, Take It Out, Re-Move It!

Oh god. Yuck! *Wrinkles nose*. Ug. Ok, I’ll stop now. What I’m trying to say is I think I’ve found something worse than dog piss in the central air vents. Wanna guess what it is? Maybe you don’t. It’s skunk! Yep, you heard me right, fucking skunk. Now their house is destroyed, they’re having to …

Typo Or Editorializing? You Be The Judge.

Ok, it was weird enough that a guy was dared to punch a camel and did so, but this fine phrase made me giggle: He accepted the dare and was detained afterward by security personnel, but he soon escaped and tried to run from the park with his fiends, police said. Oh, those fiends. Those …

Signed, Sealed, … Not So Sure About Delivered.

Heeheehee. Why, every time I think about this story about a seal trying to rape a penguin do I giggle? Maybe it’s this description that does it. The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it. The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape – but to no avail. …

If This Is Any indication, We’ll Need A Sex-offenders Against Animals Registry Soon.

Here are two cases of men who are lucky they don’t live in Scotland, because if they did, they’d be on the sex-offenders registry so fast, and they’d sure deserve it more than Ye old bike-humper. There’s Joshua Coman of Kansas who likes canine ass, and was very fortunate that his victim, a rottweiler, didn’t …

I Can’t Think Of A Roomba-Spinoff For The Title, So I Won’t Try.

Jen sent me something fucking hillarious. It’s a little weird, but I thought someone else might get a kick out of it, especially if that someone owns a cat. In case anyone wonders what the hell a Roomba is, it’s a vacuum that moves all on its own and goes around and under the objects …