The Medical Care Was Worse Than The Snakebite!

Let’s think about this. A woman gets bitten in a religious snake-handling ritual. That’s perhaps ironic and worth a sarcastic chuckle, but if you’re a hospital staff member and she shows up for treatment, shouldn’t all chuckling stop and treatment start? If the staff at the Marymount Medical Centre in London, Kentucky, truly did what …

Hey Hidey Ho, Where’d The Old Lobster Go?

This has to be a setup. Somebody really wanted these lobsters to run wild and free. They had to have. In the middle of the night in Stuttgart, Germany, dozens of lobsters who were going to be sold to people to be made into a nice dish made an escape from an Asian supermarket. This …

More Talk About the Trixter

Well, here I am again, wanting to talk about Trixie. I forgot a few things in my last post, and then, more stuff needed mentioning. I have so much Trixie goodness that I’ve started making lists so I don’t forget stuff. I really hope these aren’t boring to people. Sometimes I wonder if people groan …

You were attacked bya what?

This is just weird. Nancy Campbell and her eight-year-old daughter were walking around in their Oregon neighbourhood when they were attacked by a…Llama? Yep, it was a llama. What’s even weirder is it didn’t escape from a petting zoo. It was someone’s private pet! Wanna know something even weirder? It was diagnosed with the strangest …

No What Allowed?

Wow. It’s not very often that, while browsing apartment listings, you stop dead in your tracks and laugh for five minutes at a listing…after staring at it in bewilderment for another 2 minutes. I’m trying to help a friend find an apartment, so I’m surfing around the newspaper’s classifieds section. I found one listing that …