The Year In Weird News

This showed up in the email today. I know none of these are fakes, I remember seeingmost of them while doing radio research and such. NEW YORK –The Easter Bunny was hopping mad but kept his cool after being socked by a boy, a Wal-Mart greeter was sacked for showing a lot more than customers …

People are Getting Weirder, or Is It Me?

Yes, I’m alive. I just haven’t been very interesting these days, or seen anything interesting enough to write about…until yesterday. I’ve been having to take Babs to the vet because she developed a lump that had to be removed, and then I saw some smaller lumps and so we came back. Most people who come …

Ok, This Is Just Strange

If you’re planning a trip to Germany, you might want to pack a raincoat and a helmet. And no, Helmet isn’t some German guy either. Apparently parks in the city of Hamburg are being faced with a very unusual problem,exploding toads. Nobody seems to know why it’s happening, but over the past 4 days, over …

If It Walks Like A Duck…

I saw something yesterday that could quite possibly be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I know I say that a lot but stay with me here, I really mean it this time. Yesterday I found myself at one of the fall fairs that seem to pop up everywhere this time of year what with …