Does Patricia Torres want to end up like Donna Munson and Kelly Ann Walz? Does she? She will, if she keeps up this recreational feeding of wildlife bullshit. She feeds squirrels, birds and deer, and I guess a bear thought the stuff she was leaving out was mmm mmm good too. Then it choked on …
Category Archives: other animals
It’s The Humane Society, Not The Chow Mein Society!
What kind of a weirdo is Gary L. Korkuc? Apparently he’s a weirdo who wants to eat his pet cat because he thinks the cat is mean. What makes this even weirder is he adopted this cat. So is he a nice man who snapped, or did he just adopt the cat because he didn’t …
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Novocaine For The Hole
Ug. Now there’s an image I don’t need. Li Chang, a fishmonger in China, fell in a tank full of eels. The eels were a little freaked by the new person in their tank, and started slithering every which way. A few slipped up his trouser leg, and one of them slithered up his ass! …
>Clearing Out The Clutter From My Head
>I had a few random thoughts floating through my head, so I thought I would write them down. Really, must I start all of these posts out the same way? Seriously? I’m really digging this last bit of weather we’ve been having. No crazy heat waves, some rain but not a whole heap, just nice …
I Could Use Somebody…To Help Me Get This Bird Shit Out Of My Yap
WhenBarbmessaged me about this yesterday, it brought even more joy to what had already been a fine day. Thank you Barb, and more importantly, thank you, pigeons! Kings of Leon’s Friday show at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in St. Louisended after just 3 songs thanks to what can only be described as a literal shitstorm. …
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Peanut Butter Sandwich, Made For Bear?
I shouldn’t laugh at this, because when you think about it long and hard, it’s not one bit funny. But forgive me. I’m sitting up late, wrestling a new set of maps into my Trekker, so I think my threshold for hilarious is down a bit from its usual spot. Here’s a message for anyone …
Our House Smells Like A Little Skunk’s Hole, and Steve and Carin Said Well Bless My Soul, Take It Out, Take It Out, Re-Move It!
This morning, I went out for Trix’s morning routine of visiting the doggy crapper, and my good lord she wanted to pull. I had to actually plant my feet and give her a good correction to tell her to quit with that crap and get down to, well, business. Then…what’s that I smell? Skunk? Jesus, …
Come To Australia
Steve’s post about that spider chomping on that guy’s nether regions made me think of this little ditty. It’s called “Come To Australia” and it’s by The Scared Weird Little Guys. Aww, come on, Australia and New Zealand are damn close.
Gees Charlotte, I Thought We Were Friends
There are 2 reasons why you’ll never catch me swimming or sleeping naked. I care about the feelings of others and nobody ever needs to be subjected to seeing that, plus I’d rather notget bitten on the knob by a katipo spider. A Canadian tourist in New Zealand suffered a swollen penis and chest pain …
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You Killed My Sister, Now I’m Coming For Yours!
What did these two sisters do to piss off the moose population? I mean, how likely is it that one sister would hit a moose, and then the other sister, while on her way to visit her sister in the hospital, would hit another moose? I’m glad the second sister wasn’t injured nearly as badly …
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