Back in 2003 when all of this started, we were just a couple of dicks with free time who wanted a website but had no idea how to make one. Now, almost 9 years, hundreds of thousands of visits and 5 commenting systems later…we have Carin. We also, as of this post going up, have …
Category Archives: other site business
The Website, Terrible Beer, Audio Returns And Some Jokes At The End
I just got an email from Molson asking me to “answer the call of the long weekend.” I’m sure this is code for please drink our shitty beer, so the long weekend will be getting my voicemail. That really did just happen. Anyway, how’s everybody doing? I hope you’re all doing well and are less …
Continue reading “The Website, Terrible Beer, Audio Returns And Some Jokes At The End”
Big Changes Are Coming!
After thinking and talking about it for what seems like forever, it’s finally happening. The Comet is on the move! Money has changed hands and a site has been created. Now comes the fun part, and by fun part I mean craptastic series of doom-filled events. Some of them, like reuploading everything downloadable to a …
>The Good Old VC, Now With A Way Back And Not So Way Back Machine!
>Update: I removed the thing. It wasn’t crawling pages very well at all, and the only suggested way to fix it isn’t accessible unless somebody knows something about dragging and dropping page elements in Blogger using JAWS that I don’t. Sorry to those who enjoyed it, and to everyone else, your welcome. By now you …
Continue reading “>The Good Old VC, Now With A Way Back And Not So Way Back Machine!”
Vomit Comet, The Mobile Edition
There aren’t scoobillions of them coming here, but looking at the stats and seeing how many people are using phones and other portable thingies to piss around on the net these days, it struck me as a worthwhile idea to enable Blogger’s new mobile version option. Soooo, everything working as it should, if you come …
We’re Done With Echo
Apologies for the rambling nature of this thing. I was writing thoughts down as they came to me and it got a little long. When JS-Kit bought Haloscan and turned it into Echo in 2009, I was a little concerned. What’s going to happen to my comments? What’s this gonna cost me? Am I, as …
Slowly Getting Ready For The Move
We mentioned back inthe last audio messthat at some point the blog would be moving. Not sure how far off the move is, but the testing starts…now! So if in the next while things go wonky, don’t work, disappear, insult your mother or fall down dead, it’s just the good old Fairies and Elves division …
VC Makes History!
One of the coolest things about having a newer template is we can see how many posts we’ve done each month and each year really quickly. So, I know that after I publish this post, 2010 will become the year with the most posts ever! Woohoo! Go us! Thanks to everybody for reading our stuff …
Mom Always Said It’s Good To Share
It’s been a quiet day around here. Not a whole lot going on that strikes me as needing a post and there’s no non-post-of-their-owhn-deserving passing thoughts that need sharing that aren’t on Twitter, so I figured I’d take some time to do some site things. A while back Blogger came out with some share buttons. …
May The Twitter Be Unbroken
It looks like I really am a loser. I broke the blog’s ability to tweet to the twitter account that actually is called thevomitcomet. It’s now coming to me. Apparently Feedburner allows you to *associate* your feed with multiple accounts, but you can only actually send your feed to one at a time! What the? …