Now With New Twittery Goodness

Since we have to learn Twitter for another possible project, I figured it would be handy to make a Twitter for the blog. So as of this morning I haveset loose the hotdog carts,and you can now feel free to follow@VC_Steveif you wish. I’m still getting things all figured out which could take a while …

Our New Share Buttons…Are They Working?

Blogger now has those share buttons that you see everywhere, the ones that let you send something you like to Facebook or Twitter and perhaps even Foursquare,whatever that is.I’ve enabled them, but JAWS, my screenreader, can’t see them so I have no idea if they’re working or what they look like. So my question to …

A Blogger Improvement Breaks Stuff

Every month, because I don’t trust having backups in only one place, Steve and I save a copy of everything we’ve written on the blog in a giant zip file on each of our computers. We do this by going to the latest month that we completed and saving that month’s archive and adding it …

Trying The Impossible

Before I make myself look like a complete fool, a few quick things to start off. I’m so glad the Blog is put back together. What a pain in the ass this stuff can be. It’s been worth it, but I still want nothing to do with anything like this for a long, long time. …

Oh Shit…. It’s Actually Happening

So, i just checked out the weekly hit counter for the first time in a while and found something fairly disturbing. Especially if you’re Steve and Carin who used to be running a pretty successful place here. You’ll recall when I returned this summer I swore, half jokingly, that I would manage to drive the …

Matt’s Mission of Evil is Well On It’s Way!

Well you can’t say I don’t get shit done! Or down in this case! When I returned to the VC fold on Thursday I said that I was back to see if I couldn’t kill all the good work that Steve and Carin had built up over the last couple of years. Please take a …