Yea! Google’s Crawling us Now!

I know this is geeky, but I think it’s pretty cool. A while ago, I was bitching about how shitty the google blog search was, and how you couldn’t really search the blog and have it actually return results, even though you knew they were there. So, we put in a google box, thinking that …

Roundtable Plug

Just a quick note to let anybody who happens to care know that Salty Ham’sVengeance Roundtablehas been posted. Hopefully I do better this time around than I did last time out. But funnily enough, even though I got utterly schooled at Backlash, I’m still not in last place, which amuses me greatly because I didn’t …

My Thursday 13

Before I start, a couple quick things. We had a complaint on the boards earlier about our choice of topic for the week, so I want to quickly address that. Will the topics always be negative? I have no idea. Planning ahead has never been one of those things that we’re overly good at. But …