Ouch, My Nipples Hurt Thinking About That!

Note to anyone interested: Don’t go to Lubbock Airport if you have nipple rings. If you do, and they set off the metal detector, you have to remove them,even if it means using pliers to get them off. Shiver shiver shiver! What possible danger could a nipple ring pose? If they know it’s a nipple …

Shockingly Stupid

Ok, who thought this idea would work? Can I zap them too? In Wales, there’s a woman who can’t stop calling 999 and uttering fake bomb threats and such. Thelma Dennis often does this when she is drinking. So, after 60 convictions, they decide to try a weird therapy on her. They tape electrodes to …

You Live By The Sword…

Here’s today’s dose of fantastic irony. An un-named 26-year old man attempting to shoplift $300 worth of hunting knives from a Meijer store in Michigan got into a scuffle with security workers who tried to stop him, during which he fell and wasstabbed in the stomach by yes, you guessed it, the knives he was …

Gee, Those Don’t Look Like Stitches!

God. Now, if you have to go under the knife, along with all the usual worries, it seems that operating room fires happen more than one might think! Apparently this is because of the use of pure oxygen for the patient to breathe, use of alcohol swabs, and cauterizing instruments. Anyway, you’re more likely to …

Would This Be Ouch, Or Would It Be Fuck Fuckity Fuck Fuck Ouch!?

Don’t ask me how things like this happen, because I don’t know. but what I do know is that it would have sucked a big juicy hard one to be Venezuelan car accident victim Carlos Camejo who, after being declared dead, surprised medical examiners by waking up during his autopsy, or as the article so …

Know My Name By Fear Or By Respect.

Wow, this girl needs to relax. Apparently, after a poor unfortunate family friend, who is probably no longer a family friend, mispronounced Megan Jane Conroy’s name, she kicked him in the nads, sending him to the hospital with severe genetal bruising. Nobody can explain this outburst, she’s never been this way before. Dear little Megan, …


Every time I think about this story, I shiver, and I don’t even have balls. Here’s the short version. If you’re going to Oklahoma, don’t wander into a bar wearing a Texas University shirt, or, or…! Shivers again! You might leave in a lot of pain. At least that’s what happened to Brian Thomas. After …