Goodbye Philippines, And Everywhere Else, Too

There’s drunk, there’s really drunk, and then, apparently, there’s let’s hug this enormous New Year’s Eve firecracker as it’s about to go off drunk. A drunk man died after he embraced a giant firecracker called Goodbye Philippines as it was about to explode, health secretary Janet Garin told reporters. “His jaw was shattered. He was …

There’s An Ear In My Beer

According to the complaint, officers were called Friday evening to a domestic assault on Seventh Avenue South. Upon arrival, officers met with Elrod and her husband. Officers noted in the criminal complaint that the husband was missing part of his right ear. During a search of the apartment, officers found blood as well as a part of …

CSL: The Chimney-Smoked Loser!

Soundtrack time. Years ago, I wrote about a woman’s body being found in a guy’s chimney. Now, I think I’ve found a freakier one. So the story goes that the owner of this house was gone when 19-year-old Cody Caldwell thought it would be a fine home to burglarize. But he wouldn’t smash a window …

Time For A Nice Cold Beer…Bottle

There’s doing stupid things when you’re drunk, and then there’s doing stuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid things when you’re druuuuuuuuuuuunk! A MAN got so drunk at a family gathering he ate a glass beer bottle, NT police say. Superintendent Louise Jorgensen said police and St John paramedics were called to a Wagaman home just after 9pm on Wednesday. The …

Wizzing On The Electric Fence Doesn’t Sound So Bad Now

I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but if you’re going to rob a store of one of its fish tanks or quite literally anything else, stop for a leak *before* the heist. This is always true, but especially because the wasps you’re hosing down give zero fucks that the cops are on your trail. …

Gummy Chicks, He Wants All Their Teeth To Hit The Bricks. He May Even Pull Out 5 Or 6, He Likes His Gummy Chicks

I’m not going to question Philip Lyle Hansen’s fetish. Everyone likes what they like and if large, toothless females or “fat, gummy women” as he apparently likes to phrase it are his thing, who am I to judge? But I’ll tell you what I am going to question. Just how in the name of the …

It’s Not The Size Of The Boat, It’s The Motion Of The Metallic Objects You DIY Into The Boat That Matters

Why would you…who would ever…what would possess someone…Jesus no!!!!!!!!! A Malaysian man who implanted 10 metal ball bearings in his penis to bolster his sexual abilities had to have the balls surgically removed when they started to rust. The man, identified as Ramli, 44, told the Harian Metro newspaper he implanted the balls himself after …

This Will Blast Away Your Happiness

Nothing like a little depressing reading to get me started blogging. So I was looking at Twitter, loo dee dum dee doo dee hum dee…what’s this? SEVEN THINGS YOU LEARN SURVIVING AN ATOMIC BLAST… Whaaat? And I have read some depressing cracked articles. this one, or this one, or this one, even this one, but …

Not A Good Brand Of Parenting

Wow. Another parent of the year. I don’t have a lot to say, because there isn’t anything I could add, except, oh yeah, this one’s in Florida, too. This one, Kayla R. Oxenham, decided she had to brand her kids to mark them as her own. Yup, that’s what they say she said. She heated …