Maybe She Should Have Secured The Box With A Few More Knots

So, Jackie Denise Knott, which is it? Was it that the box was secure on top of your van, held there by a clothes hanger, or was it that you needed your 13-year-old daughter to hold it in place? You can’t have it both ways. It’s a good thing the van was found before both …

Priority Too Late

I will never understand the prioritization of CPS cases. We can rip fathers away from kids over the mistaken purchase of a Mike’s hard lemonade, but this woman can leave her three small children alone and that’s no problem. Oh wait, now it is, because mommy dearest left the littlest kidlet in a hot car …

Car Or No Car, No Way I’m Leaving My Kid Alone In This Town

I realize this is a story about the trial of yet another fool who left his kid in a sweltering car while he fucked off to do some stupid thing or other, but there’s still something totally wrong with the headlineSeven testify toddler looked hot.

Take Another Stab At It, Or I’ll Take A Stab At You

The story of a dad holding a knife to his daughter’s cheek until it bled because he was mad at her for not getting her homework done called to me for three reasons. first, there is the obvious one. what kind of dad are you that you would do that? You hit her in the …

How Did He Fail thee? Let Us Count TheWays.

I think I agree with chuck Shepherd of News of the Weird’s assessment that Hell’s totally waiting for Aurelio Vallerillo-Sanchez. Uh-huh, and I think there’s also a place for him if there ever is a fail hall of fame. Should we create it in honour of William Topaz McGonagall? Anyway, I digress. Let us place …

Tenth Time’s The Charm

After using that Nebraska safe haven law we used towrite about all the time until it was finally fixedto unload 9 of your kids because you’ve lost the will to be a parent, what’s the next logical step? Well, if you’re Gary Staton, the answer isgo out and knock up your new woman. When he …

Will Fourteen Be Enough, Social Services?

I’m sure Theresa Winters is giving the folks at Social Services nightmares with this statement. “For every child they take, I’ll have another.” It seems she has had 13 kids and they’ve all been taken, either when they were born or after they were 2. She’s pregnant with no. 14. A whole bunch of them …

I’m Getting Mixed Messages From the Pop

Hey there mom and pop of Pop, which is not the kid’s real name. You’re stupid. I know you have beautiful dreamy plans and only the best hopes for your little tyke, but you’re stupid to think they’ll work and not cause your kid harm. These people want to raise their kid with no gender. …

What Fine Role-Models She Has

Here’s another example of a doomed baby. This poor baby’s mother was put in prison after she tortured an elderly woman for 48 hours before killing her and wheeling her body around the city and dumping it in a canal. She committed this crime at the age of 15. The dad might be a little …

Craigslist Is Not A Joke Site, Ok?

What is it with this time of year and people trying to put their kids up for sale? Last year, we had the German EBaby swiftly followed by the Craigsbaby from Edmunton. Now, we have a new one, also a Craigsbaby, from Tampa, and another one who thought the ad on Craigslist offering her baby …