A Shocking Lack Of Respect for Electricity

What’s with people wanting to zap kids lately? First I saw the story of Todd Marcum, who put electric dog collars on his kids and shocked them because he thought it was funny. Real funny. Ha ha ha ha ha. I don’t even like the thought of them for dogs! Next I saw the story …

Mommy, don’t slip out for gas at 2 in the morning!

This probably wouldn’t have made it up on the blog if it weren’t for the accompanying 911 call. Just to let you know, it will ask you to install a windows media plugin. What the hell happens at the end? What a horrible way to be left after it’s all over. Is that a garage …

Use Your Words, People!

And I thought fighting over the hours of the public library was stupid. Now, police in Surrey, B.C. had to break up a fight between a married couple over the amount of violence on the TV news. Seriously. The woman was upset by the amount of violence on the news, to which her husband responded …

Who Has A More Profound Disability: Cerrie Burnell Or These Closed-Minded Parents?

Wow. there are a lot of stupid people raising kids right now, as demonstrated by the outrage expressed by several British parents at the sight of a TV show host who only has one arm. They lodged complaints, they left horrible messages all over blogs and message boards saying that the sight of Cerrie Burnell, …

They Always Say Write About What You Know…

I know when I was a kid, I wrote some weird stories. We found some of them later on and man they went all over the place, jumping from a story about when dad hit a skunk while driving home one night and how much the car stunk, to the fact that I had a …

Baby Terrorists?

Yup, it’s official. Rachel Jones is crazy. Who is Rachel Jones? She’s that crackpot who was hearing pro-Islamic phrases in her daughter’s doll. Now, she heard the phrase again, this time in the Nintendo game Baby Pals. Yeah, Rachel, because the doll and the game used the same source. If you listen to the news …