This Is The Police, I Think

Wow. How could a 14-year-old boy manage to impersonate a cop for five hours? He’s lucky he didn’t get involved in anything super violent, because although he somehow got himself a full uniform, he had no bullet-proof vest, and put a newspaper in there. thankfully he didn’t have a gun either. His picture is here. …

I’m Having A Party. Hopefully The Loot Bag Will Show Up Later

I understand there are mixed reactions towards vaccinating kids against Chicken Pox. But what I don’t understand are the parents who hold Chicken Pox Parties. Yup, you heard that right. A parent of a kid with Chicken Pox puts up an ad, and people come over, some of them driving for hours, to encourage their …

What’s In A Name? A Visit From Family Services

Wow. I guess Adolph Hitler Campbell and company have been taken by family services. Nobody’s being clear on why they were taken, some are even being unclear on whether they were taken at all, but it sounds like something is going on, because there’s going to be a hearing on where they’ll live for the …

1 Way To Be A Ridiculous Failure

Bad: Callie Rough, 37, was recently caught trying to shoplift items from the Dollar General Store in Oxford, Ohio.Worse: Her husband and 2 young children were with her at the time.Even worse than that: Among the items recovered from her purse was a copy of a book called“101 Ways to Be a Great Mom”. I …

He Can’t Have His Hitler Cake Or Eat It Either

How the hell can Heath Campbell not think he’s screwing up his kids? He has saddled his oldest child with the name Adolph Hitler Campbell, his middle child is named JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, and his youngest is named Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell. Then he’s shocked when he can’t get cakes with these names inscribed …

Maybe There Is A Santa After All

Wow. this story about a little girl’s letter to Santa wishing for a man to stop touching her and her sister breaks my heart and makes me happy that she wrote the letter all at once. It breaks my heart because she felt she couldn’t tell anyone but Santa. I’m glad someone saw the letter …

Russian Hands And Roman Fingers

Let’s say that these parents are right andyoung snowflake hereisn’t a sex offender in training. They aren’t, but like I said, let’s pretend. In their world, grabbing a couple girls’ asses and boobs, unhooking the bra of another, licking yet another’s neck and tickling one more on the stomach all without their permission aren’t serious …

Hopefully They’ve Fixed It And Hopefully They’ve Learned Something

Finally, the state of Nebraska has gotten around tofixing that stupid safe haven lawwe keephavingtowriteabout. Lawmakers in Nebraska gave final approval on Friday to adding a 30-day age limit to the state’s “safe haven” law to protect unwanted newborns from being abandoned in potentially dangerous situations. The absence of an age limit in the Nebraska …

It Takes A Village to Raise A Child, And A Country To Prevent The birth Of One

This law sounds as bad as the Nebraska safe haven law, but in the other direction. In the Netherlands, there is legislation in the works, although it may fall to earth with a hard thump, which is designed to stop bad parents from having more kids. On its face, that seems like a good idea. …

I’m gonna Get Me Some Mercury And throw It Up And Down The Road

What on earth would compel someone to toss mercury from hand to hand as if it were a ball? And why, why, whywhywhywhywhy, if you saw someone doing that, would you not a. mention this to him, and if that didn’t stop it, b. call someone like the cops? he isn’t just endangering himself here. …