>Ya know, the appropriate response when your eight-year-old grandson slugs his teacher is not “He loves to hit.” You won’t love the fact that he’s facing felony battery charges. And you won’t love it if he ever loves to hit you, granny. Eight-year-olds only get bigger, and when he’s already 70 pounds, things aren’t lookin’ …
Category Archives: parents of the year
Another Parental Disaster
Yeah, breaking a window with a brick and punching school officials who won’t release your daughter to you because you’re too hammered is a fine example to set for your 2-year-old daughter.
Colourful Dispute
Oh dear. When the estranged parents of a baby are fighting over which gang’s colours their baby should wear, it’s a sign they shouldn’t have had a kid. Yikes.
I Wonder If The Resulting Yelling Will Last For A Few Episodes Of Sesame Street
Nothing really amusing or horribly weird about this story, guy leaves kids in car while going into Wal-Mart. But what I do find really cute was the kids’ attempt to tell time. They were left in the car for the length of a Barney and Friends episode, but not as long as an episode of …
Continue reading “I Wonder If The Resulting Yelling Will Last For A Few Episodes Of Sesame Street”
Power Stupidity
Last week I read about a couple of women who decided to power wash their toddler. I really didn’t know what to say then. The kid and parents hadn’t been found. I just couldn’t believe someone would think spraying a toddler with the same force you would spray a car would be a good idea. …
Maybe He Spent Too Long In The Spin Cycle
Ok Aron Pritchard. There are only two conclusions I can draw from this story. If you actually believe that putting toddlers in a dryer is a fun activity, then you are too stupid to be near anyone vulnerable. If you don’t, but expect we will, then you’re a lying sack of shit, and you’re also …
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My Beer? My Kid? Tough Choice!
Wow. First we had guys buckling their beer in but endangering themselves, now we have women buckling in their beer and endangering their children! I can’t believe there would be two incidents of folks seatbelting cases of beer instead of people, but there they are.
Wrong Number In A Big Way
Man, we’re just full of stories about stupid people today. Our latest moron text messaged someone about buying some pills, but got the wrong number, and ended up texting a police detective. So, you can guess they lined themselves up for an arrest. Easy there, fast-fingers. You’d think you’d check the number before making an …
Maybe It’s Time To Make Some Room
Wow. I’ve bitched about people forgetting their kids in their cars before, but the story of Jennifer Carter loading them into the trunk because her car was too full of cargo to fit them where they should ride takes the cake. Luckily, the kids weren’t hurt, and mommy dearest is being charged, but good lord. …
More Parental Disasters
I wouldn’t bother writing about this particular loser, except I know I’ve ranted about the number of crappy parents out there before. He was driving drunk, in the wrong direction down a busy highway, with some open booze, in an uninsured car with an invalid license plate…oh, and his two-year-old daughter just hangin’ out in …