Happy Birthday To…Me!

Yes, it really is that time again. I have no idea where the hell this year went but I’ll be honest, I’m glad it’s going. For a lot of people (myself included), 2012 has bitten it pretty hard. I didn’t almost die like in 2011, but that doesn’t mean people close to me didn’t or …

Help the Get Together with Technology Program Get Together Some Technology

This comes from a friend of mine. I wish I had spare equipment I could part with, because I think this Get Together with Technology program is a pretty neat idea. How many times over the years have I contemplated buying a piece of technology, but decided against it because it’s a lot of money …

Fall Of Love

Our old buddy Anton is back at the theatre thing again, so as is tradition, time to throw a plug his way. Out of Sight Productions An Inclusive Theatre Company Phone: 519-675-0379 Email: info@oosproductions.com Web: www.oosproductions.com   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    Out of Sight Productions Presents An Anthology of Four Classic Love Stories   London, Ontario, September 12, …

Come Say Hi To Carin At The Teddy Bear Picnic Today!

If you’ve ever wanted to meet Carin, you know, the smart, charming, likeable and good looking half of us, today’s the day! From 1 to 4 this afternoon, she’ll be at the annual Teddy Bear Picnic representing the Guelph Barrier Free Committees. She’ll be Brailling things, reading stories and heaven only knows what else. she’ll …

London 2012 Paralympic Games Coverage

We’re all being beaten over the head with reminders about and coverage of the regular Olympics. They start soon, in case you haven’t heard. But the Paralympics, as usual, aren’t getting nearly the time and space. So since we know a few people going over to compete and because these things need all the publicity …

Accessible Media Inc’s DV Guide

If you’re one of those blind people who hates watching any sort of TV or movies if they’re not described or even if you’re like me and wish certain things were because they’d be much easier to follow, then do I ever have something for you. A while ago, Accessible Media Inc launched a little …

Silas Young: Pro Wrestling’s Last Real Man

I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but there’s something about this Silas Young hype video that I just love. I seriously think it’s one of the best I’ve seen in years. In a couple of minutes, you know his name and you understand who he is and who he isn’t. You …

Mike MacDonald Could Really Use Your Help

I just got this sad news from Glen Foster’s email list. Please help out by going to a show if you can. Hello Comedy fans,  If you have not heard, Canadian comedy legend Mike MacDonald has serious health issues and is in need of a liver transplant.   As a result, Comedy clubs all over Canada, …