Blogger Is Broken, Rain Is Stupid And Carin Is On TV

So Blogger has been mostly fixed for about a week now, but things are still a little off. If you ever use the categories in the sidebar to find things, you may have noticed that they’ve been a little screwed up. Some with strange names, some empty, some with weird typos that we didn’t make. …

I’ll Be On Rogers TV Tomorrow

Sorry for the long silence. I’ve been kinda busy, and Steve’s just not been finding stuff that pushes the right buttons. But here’s a little something. Remember how I mentioned Access Recreation Day? Well, tomorrow, a couple of us are getting interviewed on “Inside Guelph” about it. If you can get Rogers TV cable 20 …

My Interview On Accessibility Matters

Remember back when I said I would be on the radio? Well, I finally edited it down from the full hour to the relevant sections, and here’s the result. I left in the monolog by Susan Wheeler because I start joking about it when I start talking, so I felt it had to stay. Plus, …

Divergent Thinking Survey

Here’s a funky little survey I did yesterday. I guess the undergrad student is looking for participants with normal vision and those who are legally blind. Here’s the blurb about it. Hello:If you could please post this wherever you would see fit to advertise, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you! I am looking for …

Let Elizabeth May Speak

Yeah, remember what I said about being done with elections? Not so much. I forgot about this. Steve has yelled about Elizabeth May being excluded from the debates before. Funny how that wasn’t even 3 goddamn years ago. Anyway, that time, she got in. This time, she was not invited once again, and when she …

National Survey In The US To Learn About Emergency Calling By People With Disabilities

I also got this in my email. I’m just full of wacky stuff in my email. I won’t be able to participate in this one, but you folks in the states, go nuts. For Immediate Release: EMERGENCY ACCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RELEASES NATIONAL SURVEY TO LEARN ABOUT EMERGENCY CALLING BY INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES        Washington, DC — …


This is a pretty cool idea right here. It would be neateroo if something like this existed in Canada. GUIDE DOG ASSOCIATION LAUNCHES INNOVATIVE HOTLINE             The National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU), the leader in service animal advocacy, has launched an innovative new service. The NAGDU Education & Advocacy Hotline not only offers information …

CNIB Partners With AFB, Launches Career Connect Canada

I just got this emailed to me and thought I’d pass it on. I saw AFB Career Connect in its American form, and it looked neat. It’s cool to have something Canadian. Good Morning.  I’m delighted today to announce the launch of CareerConnect Canada, a new online employment networking and mentoring program offered in partnership …