The 100 Mile Market Rocks

Remember back when I said we were going to try out the Fresh at Home program? Well, we did, and we’re pretty impressed. The site is workable, but it has some small accessibility wrinkles. For one, for no apparent reason, the whole nav bar doesn’t appear until you’ve moved over the link that says grocery …

I Took A Hostage. I Mean Business! This Has To Stop!

I took a blog hostage yesterday. You know, because they say you should always try new things. Being the nice fellow that I can be about once or twice a year, last night I helped our friend Amanda set up her blog to link her new posts on Twitter for her. she mustn’t know me …

Somebody Else Thinks We’re Awesome!

Trixie here. Man, it’s a beautiful day. The weather knob is still kind of c-c-c-c-cold, but not too bad. I think the guy in the sky might be moving the weather knob to the place where I like it. So Cessna, who I’ve never met, has decided that this place needs an award or something. …

Yea Guelph’s Accessible Snow Removal Concerns Line!

Remember when I wrote about the winter control accessibility line? Well, I tried it out, and damn am I ever impressed! I still need to phone the line back and say thank you very much! As everyone for miles around knows, on Saturday the sky opened up and snow came in a hell of a …

A Study On The Intelligibility Of Speech, Or The Twistedness Of The Human Brain, Or Both. I Don’t Know.

Ouch. My brain hurts. I just completed a study trying to rate the intelligibility of text to speech synthesis. You wouldn’t think that would be hard, but by the end, it gets fucking next to impossible! Don’t believe me? I dare you to try it. You listen to 198 nonsense sentences that seem to come …

It’s Time For Another Edition of How Cool Is That?

I have more cool news. Remember back when I railed about how much companies were charging for a talking caller ID? Well, I didn’t specifically say it was a talking caller ID, but that was what I was trying to buy. Well, Future Aids, or the Braille Book Store has come through again. We’ve already …

The Carnival Is Back!

Back a bit ago, I wrote a post for the second Assistance Dog Blog Carnival. Now, the carnival is live. So you can read about every kind of decision imaginable to do with having a service dog. There’s a lot of reading, so hop around, make some new friends, all that great stuff. Most importantly, …