>Survey On The Disappearance of Full Service Gas Stations

>This is pretty cool. Back a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the decreasing presence of full service gas stations. Well, someone is conducting a survey so they can bring those concerns to government bodies. Eddie Rice is hoping that stronger language can be built into legislation that stipulates that folks have to assist those …

Radio Interview Round Two For Me

Remember back when I said I was doing some research to do with recreation in Guelph? Well, I sent my request for information to Jan Hall, the one who interviewed me last time, and she invited me up for another interview! Yea! So, tomorrow morning, bright and early, I’ll be headin’ for CFRU’s studios. I’ll …

I Finally Read Kate’s Book!

A long, long time ago, I mentioned Kate’s book ‘Dread Crew: Pirates of the Backwoods’ and wondered if it would be available in alternative format. Well, then a long time ago, Barb managed to score a copy, and sent it to me. “Read it,” she said. “It’s awesome!” Well, I meant to…and I meant to…and …

A Joke And A Song

The blog’s been quiet today and that’s not about to change. We’re heading out soon for dinner, drinks, a concert and probably more food and drinks when that’s over. But before we leave, I’ll leave you all with this, stolen from Amanda’s Twitter. *Q: Why are there so few Irish lawyers?A: The majority of them …

Doing A Little Research

I’ve mentioned sometimes that I’m on the Guelph Barrier-Free Committees, and sometimes I’ve plugged events we’ve put on. We’re right in the middle of another project, so I figured I’d plug it here. I never know who reads, so I might as well use anything I’ve got to spread the word. Here’s the little blurb. …

Halloween Charity Dog Walk

Here’s some info about an upcoming charity dog walk put on by Guelph Animal Hospital, which just happens to be Trixie’s vet clinic. I don’t know if I’ll go or not, part of me wants to, but here’s the info for anyone else interested. Join Us!   On Sunday, October 31st at 11:00am, Guelph Animal Hospital …

More Training Tales At Training Tails

Here’s another blog to read, if you just can’t get enough of reading about other people’s guide dog training experiences. Jenny has decided she wants to recap both her training experiences she had with her previous guides, and talk about the process she’s going through to prepare for guide dog no. 3. There isn’t much …