Guide Dog Handlers All Ways Blog-A-Thon

I figured I’d start today off with a quick plug. Guide Dog Handlers All Ways, a group of Guide Dogs for the Blind alumni who also have secondary disabilities, is holding a blog-a-thon on November 14, 2009 to raise money for GDB. From 8 a.m. eastern to 8 p.m. eastern, members will be posting everything …

Jesse And Gene Are Back!

Well, they’re back for a few days, anyhow. They’re going to be on Newstalk 1010 CFRB in Toronto tonight, thursday and Friday doing the 7 to 10 PM shift, which is generally the Ryan Doyle Show. They say they’ll be raising money for Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children while they’re there, which is pretty cool. …

Cell Phone Seminar Archive is Available

Remember how I mentioned attending a seminar about accessible cell phones? Well, finally, the archive is up! There was lots of cool info in there, and you get to hear my squeaky voice! I ask a couple of questions, and probably clip. Woops. But check out all the info. Here’s a tip for fellow blinks. …

RDSP Seminar! Hurry Hurry Hurry!

I just found out in the nick of time about a cool online seminar for any Canadian who is interested in the RDSP program I mentioned a few months ago. Citizens with Disabilities of Ontario is putting on the seminar tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Yeah, definitely nick of time. So if you’re also interested, …

Walking Accidents Survey

Here comes another survey. I completed it, and the only weird thing about it is the question repeats itself when you’re looking at the first choice. Really…really…annoying. But other than that, it was a pretty simple survey. I could be wrong, but I think the people doing the survey don’t quite understand blind folks and …

Google Usability Study: Get It While It’s Hot!

In Top Tech Tidbits from a week or 2 ago, there was mention that Google is looking for participants to help them test the usability of their products. I thought “Ooo! yeah yeah yeah lemme at it right now!” But when I clicked the link, I’d waited too long and it had died. Now, I …