In The Center Of The Roof, On A Quest For A Woof.

I came across In the Center of the Roof when I was wreading Life with the Dogs and started to read it. I thought her blog was pretty neat. She has just recently lost her vision, but she’s getting on with life with a passion and a zeal that we all need. And she’s applying …

My Access Recognition Awards Radio Ad

I gotta say woohoo, or maybe it’s wheay! You be the judge. We just got some server space from a pretty cool place called I just uploaded a file there that just happens to be me doing a radio ad for those Access recognition awards I was talking about before. So if you want …

Access Recognition Awards 2009

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m part of the Guelph Barrier Free Committees. In november, we want to have a little awards presentation to recognize a business, community group, or educator who has gone above and beyond to break down barriers for persons with disabilities, or a person with a disability who has achieved a goal …

What We Learned On Our Journey To VC Version 2.0

Woohoo! Why am I cheering? Because most of our work to update our blog and bring it into the present is over! Yeah! Actually, all the work on the current stuff is done. Now there are just things we want to do. And no blog posts were harmed in the implementing of this new design. …

Support Our Super Neighbour in The SuperWalk

This is just a quick plug to try and help out our neighbour who I’ve talked about off and on,, usually when talking about the huppy. She’s participating in the Parkinson Society SuperWalk this Saturday September 12 and is asking for folks to sponsor her. She’s doing this in memory of her mom who had …

Help Solona. Bernard Can’t do It Alona!

Yesterday, I was going to use Solona to solve a captcha, but I saw that no operators were standing by. So I was cruising around the site and started reading blog entries and came across this one. The poor fellow has realized that he cannot keep up the inhuman hours he’s been doing because a. …

Giant Thought Motherload Comin’ In

I’ve had a few things I’ve wanted to write down, but I’ve been kinda busy and when I’ve had a second, I didn’t have the focus I wanted. Now I think I have what I need to write. Speaking of being busy, I’m still pretty busy right now, so the new template will have to …