Another Captcha Study

That was funky. I was just checking back to see if I had in fact been a participant in a study whose results I was now reading…and discovered…they’re doing another study! This time they’ve designed an interface that allows you to replay the audio captcha from right within the anser box. It’s a beautiful interface. …

Make Sure Those Seeing Eyes Are Seeing Well.

Some people probably think I’m crazy for doing this, but what the heck? The ACVO or American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists is conducting a week’s worth of free eye exams for service dogs from May 4 to May 8. I’m sad to say it looks like owner-trained service dogs are excluded…unless they have some kind …

Just For Laughs Puts On A Good roadshow

I feel like such a loser that I haven’t written about this until now. I mean, the show was Wednesday. Oh well, better late than never. On Wednesday, Steve and I went to the Just for Laughs Roadshow at the River Run Centre and it was awesome. If it’s coming to your town and it’s …

The Clearing House of Carin’s Head

Well hey everybody. You’ve probably noticed it’s been kinda quiet around here. Well, there are a couple of good reasons for that, and I decided to write about them, along with a couple of ideas that have been floating through my head. Long, long, long post ahead. The main reason is because Steve and I …

A Web Accessibility Survey Thingy

WebAIM is trying to compile an archive of how screen-reader users surf the web in hopes that they may find some common threads that might help web-designers build more accessible websites. So, they’re conducting a survey. If you use a screen-reader at all and want to help, go fill it out here. My only big …

Some Help And Some Plugs

Just came across this in our recent searches… 11 Nov, Tue, 21:28:13Google:pwinsider won’t let me use pop up blockers I remember this being an older problem, but if you’re still having it, here are a few things you can do. Try out Super Ad Blocker. It’s a really good product, best pop-up blocker I’ve ever …